Flood Ready

Flood Ready Campaign

Don't wait for the water!

What is overland flooding?

An overview of overland flooding in Canada, the cost and your role.

6 reasons you need to be Flood Ready

Flooding trends and risks.

Quiz: Are you Flood Ready?

Test your knowledge of flood risks to help protect your property and community.

Flood Ready first steps

A step by step guide to make your property and community more flood ready.

Protect your property with Flood Ready fixes

Ways to build flood-readiness into your property.

Making communities Flood Ready

Community flood planning steps, tools and government programs, including the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP).

10 tips to make your home #floodready

Protect your property with Flood Ready fixes


3 ways to be #FloodReady

Learn about floods, know the risks and be a part of the solution.

Being #FloodReady

Perception vs. Reality

6 reasons to make sure you're #FloodReady

Don't wait for the water!


Floods are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters in Canada.

Are your home, and community, flood-ready? Here are three steps you can take now to prepare:

Learn about floods

Floods can happen in any region of Canada, in both urban and rural communities, from natural causes or failures of infrastructure.

Know the risks

Floods can damage your home and other property, including causing long-term health hazards from mould. And overland flooding is generally not covered by standard home insurance.

Be part of the solution

Talk to your insurer about your coverage, find out about programs and resources available in your community, and plan home projects that can help protect your property.

Don't wait for the water!

Visit Canada.ca/Flood-Ready to get started today.

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