Battle of Britain Parade

Commemorative Ceremony
September 17, 2017
14:00 - 15:15
Battle of Britain Parade Program of Events 1. Parade arrival #3006 Dieppe Army Cadet Band 2. Historical Notes: Consul General of France, Laurence Monmayrant, Gov of Canada, Hon Ginette Petitpas Taylor, MLA Dieppe-Lewisville, Hon. Roger Melanson, Mayor of Dieppe Yvon Lapierre, Dieppe Military Veterans’ Association President Nils Liljemark. 3. O Canada 4. La Marseillaise 5. Royal Canadian Air Force March 6. Scripture readings Rev. Jean Bourque RC, Prot. Chap. Rev. 7. Dernière Sonnerie 8. Silence “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.” All: “ We will remember them” 9. Reveille 10. Poem - High Flight 11. Placing of wreaths with hymns. 12. Benediction Rev Jean Bourque 13. God Save the Queen 14. Parade Reforms 15. March Past – #3006 Dieppe Army Cadet Band.
J.Laurie Cormier POW Park
Champlain St across from entrance to airport
Dieppe, New Brunswick



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