SWI 132.1.1 Seed Program
Specific Work Instruction
Official Seed Sampling

14.0 Sample Submission Form

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14.1 Sample Submission Form (CFIA/ACIA 5160) (SSF)

The SSF, found in Appendix V, is available on LSTS and must be completed for each sample submitted to the lab. The form is found on CFIA Applications- LSTS-Submission Forms-Metaframe (LSTS). The instructions for the completion of the SSF can be found in Appendix V. The ISTA Rules require that the sample be submitted to the laboratory in a manner that establishes the connection between the sample and the seed lot. This is facilitated by the completion of the SSF. It is critical that the sampler completes the form thoroughly and accurately. If the form is completed by hand, it must be legible.

The inspection sample number is a very important part of the information on the SSF. For example, 127-07-013-0123.

The following is a description of the number:

  • First and second number represents the fiscal year
    (e.g. 12 is fiscal year 2012 (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2012)
  • Third number: numerical code for the seed program (always 7)
  • Fourth and fifth: the region code
    • 04 = New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia
    • 05 = Quebec
    • 06 = Ontario
    • 07 = Manitoba
    • 08 = Saskatchewan
    • 09 = Alberta
    • 10 = British Columbia
  • Sixth to eighth: the inspector identification number
  • Ninth to twelfth: sequential number representing the cumulative number of samples taken by the inspector in a fiscal year for all sampling programs assigned to that inspector.

When submitting samples of crop types not listed in Schedule I to the Seeds Regulations, the inspector is requested to state the labelled purpose of the seed (i.e., land reclamation, soil conservation, green cover, wildlife grazing or habitat, wetland restoration, landscape/gardening use) on the SSF.

14.2 Application for Seed Analysis for Export Purposes (CFIA/ACIA 1113)

When the client has requested that an official sample be drawn for export testing and the issuance of an ISTA certificate, a completed "Application for Seed Analysis for Export Purposes" (Appendix IX) must be submitted to the laboratory for each sample. The official seed sampler must refer to QSP 152.1 Implementation and Administration of the OECD Seed Schemes and EU Seed Directives for further details.

This form should be completed by the client. The application must clearly state the test(s) required and the specifications the seed lot is to meet. A legislative statement is not adequate (e.g., Argentine Import Regulations) with the exception of European Union (EC Rules and Standards) and Higher Voluntary Standard (HVS). CFIA seed laboratories do not receive or endeavour to obtain the current foreign country seed legislation (rules or regulations). It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the specifications required for testing.

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