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PlacesGatineau, QuebecGovernment OrganizationCanada’s International Development – Global Affairs Canada
233 Reviews
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Lucky Phu
· June 9, 2017
Dear Canada Interational Development, I hear CID were speeching today. Is the CID helps the whole world 's poor people?
If I get it right. Where are the CID ...going to dig out so many money to help these are poor people in the whole world?

I think CID trying to dig out these money from the taxes payers. Do you wants all the Canadians citizens go out to live on the streets, just because CID wants to help the poor people in the whole world?

I don't think so.
What I see social medias are trying to rig CID off and destroys Canada Soon, or later.

Unless, you will offer them the fate money.

Canada is good Country. Every Canadian should stand for it. Everyone wake up and use your brain and choose wisely for all Canadians.

Canadians should not listening to the social medias blindly.

If everyone wants to know more about out side Canada world. I recommend you should go to others to travel their countries to see the whole world, before you make some your solution to decide what to do. Thank you!
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Babu Sunny
· April 12, 2017
Uncertainly around President Trump’s travel ban has people fleeing to Canada on foot. Refugees are risking their lives in freezing temperature. Two men lost fingers to frostbite and nearly died. Secretary General Amnesty International Canada – Alex Neve Says, there were far too many shortcomings and problems already in the US asylum system, and those have only been amplified by the toxic environment for refugees. So no, the US is not safe anymore for the refugees to live.

Canadian Prime Minister – Justin Trudeau warmly welcome these refuges to his country and he gave a message on her social media that to those who are fleeing due to war, persecution and terror, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your religion. Diversity is Canada’s strength. But Canada only plans to take 7500 government assisted refugees in 2017 according to its capacity to handle them. This number is less than half comparatively to the last year. One province’s refugee agency helped, 91 claimants between November 1 to January 25. Most of the refugees crossed border on foot illegally.

Canadian people don’t support their Prime Minister’s decision of taking in these refugees and a protest was organized in Toronto on Feb 4, 2017 against his decision. These protesters want Trudeau to abolish the Safe Third Country Agreement. The agreement turns refugees away from the US borders.

Refugees want to reach Canada find that when they reach a border post along the Canada – US border and it only applies to border crossing, they will find that door close. It encourages people to illegally cross. Canada is legally oblige to suspend the Safe Third Country Agreement because US doesn’t comply with the requirements of Canadian law in order to be considered a safe country. So is Canada really that welcoming,
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Tak-tvJean Degazon
· February 27, 2017
The Haitian government just wasted about 2 to 3 millions US$ on Carnival while its people are giving birth on the hospital floor. There is no clean water, no fo...od, no shelter, no jobs. From 2006 to 2010 Canada has donated 2. 6 billion dollars to the Haitian Government. Where does all that money go? I would like to ask Justin Trudeau to stop sending money to Haiti, because the Haitian government do not care about its own people. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. I am going to talk to the Canadian government and the Canadian people on this issue See More
Raj Shastri
· March 1, 2017
World No.1 Gold medalist pt.Raj Bangali,astrologer+91-9636047436 your all worries ends ji just one call can change your life...Mohini Vashikaran Mantra baba india
you anyway, domestic violence, problem in voyages/going toOnce time call to me and change your life .any body have problems I solution of all problems by vashikaran mantra as like problem love ,black magic,money etc. I give to 100% guranted result in 42 hours....
(World famous powerful astro/tantra mantra expert ((baba Raj bangali)) +91-9636047436
Specialist in Vashikaran and Sifli & nuri-hajuri ilm. Horoscopes, Astrology, Occult Science, Black Magic, Indra Jal, Mantras, Occult, Evil Spells, the intentional use of negative powers to affect in Horoscope, Divine blessings and Wish-fulfillment Pujas Havan Vashikaran and other problems like business & Money, Love & Harmony, Luck & Fame, Health & Energy, Knowledge & Career,
13) Problem In Love-LifeDivorce problem{{{ solution
14) Marriage Life Disturb
PT.raj Bangaliji Call +91-9636047436
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Khaliq Karimian
· March 12, 2017
Instant message:
Dear Sir/Madam
My name is Abdul khaliq....
I was born in Herat Afghanistan.
There was no place for me to live in Afghanistan anymore because I had some security problems in there.
Therefore, I decided to move from Afghanistan and live somewhere abroad under protection.
I traveled to Azerbaijan the city of Baku with my wife and two kids and I seek refugee in Azerbaijan but due to the current problems inside that Country, they couldn’t accept me as a refugee there. But I went to UNHCR office in Baku and after a couple of interviews this respected office accepted me as a refugee in UNHCR office in Baku-Azerbaijan.
But now, I am living in Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku.
I have a request from Canadian government and undoubtedly it's humanitarian,
But I only expect you to listen to what I have to say.
Please don't stop, you save our live,
Please believe me and I have faith in you.
Deep down, I know you love immigrants really.
If you really will Admission immigrants in the economic, political, social and etc...then please you can refer in the Republic of Azerbaijan, that in this country, the situation of the Afghan refugees are very dire.
I as a refugee of UNHCR visited several time with officials of UNHCR since of 2014 up to 2017 and I applied a third country, for example Republic of Canada but unfortunately they said to me that since of 2012 up to now the officials of Canada never came for request the admission of immigrants.
Life in Azerbaijan is very difficult because they do not let us to work here and the
pension that UNHCR is giving us monthly is very low because the expensesare high in here,
It's a shame the price of food has gone up.
So the immigrants agonized are in state of emergency in here.
but there are hidden works too limited.
All and all put together , I'm a little short on cash.
You're welcome, believe me.
I made a reasonable offer for you and now the ball is in your court.
If really the Canadian government accepts some immigrants in 2017? please for God's sake have compassion and accept its from Azerbaijan .
There are some Afghan refugees in Republic of Azerbaijan who are all artisan in different works and we are professional in our works.
And We are hoping our message send to directorial of Canadian government by you.
Never look down some body unless you're helping him up.
I don't know deep down I know you love immigrants really.
And every new day is another chance to chance our live, that is how I know I go on.
Sorry if there are any mistakes or messy in my message so because my English is not very good.
I'm grateful for your assistance.
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Arun Sharma
· May 13, 2017
Solve your all type of problem by pandit Mahaveer shastri ji ( Gold Medalist)
Contact now +91-9872544703(whatsaap number+91-9872187703)
Get 101% garunted soluti...on by pandit ji Only 1 call can solved your all problem +91-9872544703[[ “pyar main dokha ek hi moka caho jise pao use garh bathe paye sabhi samshya ka samadhan”]]
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All type of problems solution by astrologer pandit Mahaveer shastri ji ji (Gold Medalist) 24 online cont ::::: +91-9872544703
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Surinder Sharma
· April 9, 2017
समस्या कैसी भी --हो घर बैठे समाधान │ ##One call change your life call now +91-9781846490........... #get your all life problem solve with in 11 hours that is 10...1% Guaranteed results Call To baba ji what's app no +91-9781846490..........```1 Problem in study life 2. #Vashikaran specialist 3. #Disputes between Husband and wife 4. Divorce Problem 5. Physical Problems 6. Problem in family relationships 7. #Visa and green card problem solution 8. Lottery lucky number 9. Like to jadu tona 10. #Business Problem 11. Desired Love 12. Childless women 13.#Love #Problem #solution See More
Sharmen Toma
· December 8, 2016
i`m not poor in my world ,i have courage lots of inspiration, positiveness ,loyalty lion heart, eagles eyes,BUT yes no computer knowledge in that sense i`m poor... but wants to show the WORLD all illness can prohibited/harmless by only through peoples KNOWLEDGE ABOUT INFECTION. poor unhygienic people who are getting infected due to unknown unawareness mislead of contractual and transmissible disease,there poor knowledge pulling them to get infected on HIV AIDS like dis not only but also communicable dis which if prevent ,,,oops wrong word in correction need protection in a sense people need to know HOW IT HAPPEN ,visual sight about dis prevention and dis protection can decrease rate of infection compare to already spread . See More
Moussa Kluivert
· August 28, 2016
No really because every day poor people's increase in the world. And big difference between poor and rich people's in the world. Rich countries help rich people.... Examples in education, poor people's can't afford to pay tuition fees and other charges no ones can hear them and rich countries offers scholarships for others rich people See More
· January 25, 2016
implore the world's people concerned about China government mind control experiments 8 years Victims Wang Yan
(Chinese government secret human expe...riments-----
Require the attention of the world's people)

Dear sir, madam:

I am a Chinese Anhui, citizen, Wang Yan , the Chinese government , 8 years, treated me , including chronic poison secret human experimentation activities , own less than 30 years old, injured cirrhosis, cholecystitis complicated. In China 's Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital , atherosclerosis , hypertension, cardiac diagnosis, also associated with diabetes, and Demonize demonizing type, Incite social persecution,Result Make me so many times , Qianshan County Government and Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Compulsory Caught in Mental hospital, Held Torture。,my 8- year-old daughter has been experimentally Wang Xin Rui phenomenon, today , by turning off the firewall , come here, request the great the world's people close attention.

Treat my secret human experimentation activities in China is called mind control experiments by the Chinese Ministry of State Security , and a large number of innocent compatriots die here, typical : Fuzhou, Fujian , Wu Qiao Yan , girl, 28 -year-old victim three years because the injured uterine fibroids, unbearable torture committed suicide , Wuhan, Hubei Province , penggongqian, male, 40 years old, 10 -year-old victim died of gallbladder ampulla .

Can be summarized as mind control is not able to fully control their brain , but professional proficiency, formed to study the human brain , thinking, human mental activity , known as the brain tissue control tissue , usually by the Chinese Ministry of State Security , behind the local Security Authority in secret behind the manipulation of the core is to engage the dead , is the use of special powers(Police identity) to instigate social isolation, discrimination, harassment , humiliation and persecution , coupled with slow poison behind the murder of 24 hours maintenance monitoring read minds , and long-term effects , leading to the victims of mental illness , depression , suicide, illness and death, family cancer deaths over 10 years of chronic poison damage , all the staff , all the horror of death .

Today, I am the spirit of self-help as a temporary control of the victim's life, but , for those innocent Chinese compatriots died , the great , world's people petition , Censure to urge Chinese government to immediately stop the crimes against humanity and open secret human experimentation activities ( mind control experiments ) .

This privilege , dark, brutal , and Japanese 731 almost, terrible secret means engage the dead , the development of today's information age , there is no way to let the public know that this is the treatment of the entire Chinese people , but also the people of the world is an insult and provocation .

Name: Wang Yan
Address: Hill County, Anhui , Anqing City , China
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عمر ابوالصبايا
· August 31, 2016
Peace and mercy of God be upon you. I am from Syria, and I have five children to migrate to Europe for the treatment of my daughter and I want that she is sick seashell acute dermal Willie has any information tells us true God and the good of Jmah phone number 00905395214393
Tota Ail
· April 30, 2016
Development Canada need ideas and scientific hands of a skilled and most importantly love the Earth Canadian greetings to the Canadian people and the land that love it and I dream with my children to be part of a great people
Naresh Pal
· March 8, 2017
Grateful event on International women's day 2017 #Her Voice Her Choice
Humayun Abaid
· October 7, 2016
Sir am from Pakistan 26year old want to come Canada any one help me to got me there my mobile number is 009203054264144
فتحي عصفور
· March 10, 2017
I want to immigrate to Canada
Dilmohammad Azizi
· July 30, 2016
Hi sir my name dilmohammad had my from Afghanistan and there my life so board and sir I want come Canada because I so like Canada peoples sir please help me sit it's
Mob#No number +93-0783682901
Kanwal Shahzad Sarwar
April 4, 2013
I am General Secretary Of Holly Human Development Organization Pakistan Reg. Our NGO works from April 2009. and Registered on 14 feb. 2013.
Every Huma...n being has a responsibility to help others who are less privileged. People should extend a helping hand to light up the lives of less fortunate. Everyone has a place in world and should be given an opportunity to develop his or her potential.
Our NGO works in Rural arias Where People have lack of facilities. Our NGO run a tuition center in Chak no.374 G.B. now we want convert this tuition center in to School. In this Village mostly People are poor they can,nt afford Education Expensive. Cities School are far from the village so mostly women can,nt get Education . Women works in fields. for Education we need book, notebooks, teaching material & pay for staff. A van also need for little children to pick & drop from remote arias. Our NGO need 1500 US Dollar per month. We need monthly fund .

Help to maintain Maternity Home

.Our NGO mostly works in Rural areas where people have no facilities of medical .Cities far from that areas .People died before reached the city. Thinking about that,s condication areas our NGO open a Maternity Home for women & pregnant women. In this Maternity Home Doctor check up patients free & give them free medicine.
Our Organization run Maternity Home from 6 month. Before this we run free Dispensary where poor patients treated free. In Maternity Home 20 female checked per week and 80 patients checked per month.1000 US DOLLAR is cost to run this facility per month.
To continue this mission please donates our NGO. U can donate us by Western Union .because our NGO account is in opening process
Best Wisher.
Dr.Kanwal Shahzad Sarwar
Chak no.334 G.B.Rajowal Post code.36331
Tehsil & Distt. Toba Tek Singh
Punjab Pakistan
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Lee Walters
January 30, 2013 is a solidarity-oriented social network that facilitates the transfer of services and not money to fund development projects. It ensures transparenc...y, efficiency, full realization and eliminates embezzlement. It also uses crowd funding as one of its debt-free means to obtain funds.
Like their facebook page Click to sign up
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Christopher Imperial
February 12, 2013
Dear Minister Julian Fantino,

I have a social networking solution that can substantially end global poverty. Go to this link to read about it: ...

It would be best if CIDA does this and not wait for CGI. We need to revolutionize charity now as tens of thousands die every day of delay.

Best Regards

Chris Imperial
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To refocus Canada’s international assistance on helping the poorest and most vulnerable, we are doing things differently #HerVoiceHerChoice
LIVE NOW! Minister Bibeau launches new Feminist International ...
Canada launches Famine Relief Fund for Nigeria, South Sudan, Y...

Canada is adopting a feminist international assistance policy to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. This is the most effective approach for Canada to reduce poverty and to build a more inclusive, peaceful and prosperous world.



The Famine Relief Fund ends on June 30th. There is still time to donate! Help us make a difference #ZEROFAMINE

More than 20 million people in northeast Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen are at risk of starvation as a result of severe drought conditions or intensifying conflict.
Image may contain: one or more people
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
23 hrs

“Canada cannot remain silent in the face of these crises, which disproportionately affect women and children.”

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of C...anada’s International Development – Global Affairs Canada, wrote an op-ed about the current famine crisis in Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria and Yemen where more than 20 million people are at risk of starvation.

“Each of us, in our own way, can lend a hand to help,” she says.

Until June 30, the Canadian government will match donations by individual Canadians to these crises on a 1:1 basis. Through our Famine Appeal, you can help achieve zero famine. Learn more here:

Read Minister Bibeau’s op-ed here:…/hunger-crises-africa_b_16987…

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Canada upholds human dignity in regions of the world with the poorest and most vulnerable populations that have little or no access to essential services and that have to deal with the devastating impact of armed conflict or a natural catastrophe. Development projects and emergency humanitarian aid provide health care, including sexual and reproductive care, drinking water, nutritious food and quality education. #HerVoiceHerChoice

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, child and text

Together, we can make a difference and bring relief to people who need urgent help. Please share if you agree!

To make a donation to the Governement of Canada Famine Relief Fund:…/campaig…/famine/index.aspx…

More than 20 million people in northeast Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen are at risk of starvation as a result of severe drought conditions or intensifying conflict.

Investing in women and girls is the right thing to do and the smart way to reduce poverty and inequality.

For these reasons, Canada is committed to a new approach to international assistance: a truly feminist approach that supports the economic, political and social empowerment of women and girls, and makes gender equality a priority, for the benefit of all people. Canada will also dedicate $150 million over five years to support local organizations that advance women’s righ...ts in developing countries.

Read Canada’s new Feminist International Assistance Policy


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To refocus Canada’s international assistance on helping the poorest and most vulnerable, we are doing things differently #HerVoiceHerChoice


Canada is adopting a feminist international assistance policy to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. This is the most effective approach for Canada to reduce poverty and to build a more inclusive, peaceful and prosperous world.


Image may contain: 1 person

REMINDER/TIME CHANGE: Live in 30 minutes! Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau to launch Canada's new Feminist International Assistance Policy at 9 AM (Eastern time)


Join us LIVE tomorrow at 9:00 am as Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau launches Canada's new Feminist International Assistance Policy


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

"This is not the first time that humanitarian aid workers have been called on to fight and prevent starvation. However, it is the first time that they have had do it for over 20 million people, including 1.4 million children at risk of death." -Marie-Claude Bibeau

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Climate change is certainly partly to blame for droughts that destroy crops, kill livestock and dry up rivers. However, the main cause of hunger crises is conflict. If the guns were silenced and humanitarian access were restored, it would save more lives in the short term than the return of the rain...

Following a meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Canada announced $20M to increase Myanmar’s resilience to climate change and strengthen the country’s democratic development.…/canada_announcescontinuedsupporttoi…

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing
Image may contain: 1 person, tree, outdoor, nature and water

Until June 30, 2017 all donations to ADRA Canada's #FamineRelief fund will be #matched dollar for dollar by Canada’s International Development – Global Affairs Canada. Your $24 donation will feed a mother and child for one month. Give Today! #MillionsStarving #ZeroFamine

Drought and Conflict Leave Millions Starving Millions of people throughout the Horn of Africa and the Middle East are facing starvation. Years of failed crops due to low rainfall, compounded by civil conflict are causing the weak and vulnerable to die a slow death from a simple lack

Your support to the Famine Relief Fund over the coming weeks will be crucial. Please donate to help achieve #ZEROFAMINE

To make a donation:…/campaig…/famine/index.aspx…

Image may contain: 1 person

Your generosity makes a difference. Support the Famine Relief Fund today to help achieve #ZEROFAMINE

Image may contain: 1 person, child, outdoor and nature