Greening Transportation Safety Board of Canada Operations

Strategies / Comments


In 2012-13, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada’s (TSB) approach to greening its operations was to ensure green considerations are incorporated in its procurement and disposal practices and that key personnel were trained and evaluated on green objectives.

Management Processes and Controls

  • The TSB continued to use the Public Works and Government Services Canada’s (PWGSC) procurement instruments as its primary procurement mechanism.  As a result, it leveraged the environmental considerations incorporated into these Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements by PWGSC.
  • The TSB continued to follow the Federal Electronic Waste Strategy for the disposal of electronic and electrical equipment.
  • In 2012–13, the TSB’s procurement and contracting policy and procurement guidelines were reviewed to ensure that environmental considerations were incorporated.
  • The templates for Request for Proposal and Request for Goods and Services are provided by PWGSC.  Since environmental considerations are incorporated in Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements, these templates also leverage these considerations.
  • Service Contract templates were reviewed in 2012–13. A standard clause was drafted to incorporate environmental considerations in the Statement of Work to be included in the following fiscal year.

Setting Targets

The TSB had set the following targets in the 2012-13 RPP:

  • 90% (on a dollar value basis) of TSB purchases of goods that are available on Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements will be made through PWGSC procurement instruments.
  • All TSB procurement and materiel management personnel will receive green procurement training.
  • All procurement and materiel management personnel will have green procurement objectives in their performance agreements.

Meeting Targets

All targets were achieved.