
Information on energy consumption in commercial and institutional buildings in Canada


Building optimization
Learn how buildings can optimize energy use, reduce costs, and improve air quality.

Energy benchmarking
Find out how energy benchmarking can help you save energy and money.

Energy management training
Learn how training can help you take advantage of energy-saving opportunities at your facility.

Heat pumps
Find out about research being done by CanmetENERGY on heat pump systems.

Solar photovoltaic energy in buildings
Learn how solar photovoltaic technology is reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

CAN-QUEST energy modelling software
Download this software - includes Canadian weather data, support for metric and imperial units, as well as English and French interfaces.

Energy Efficiency in buildings
Read about why and how to improve on energy efficiency in buildings.

Recommissioning guide
Recommissioning (RCx) optimizes existing buildings to improve occupant comfort and save energy.

DABOTM software
CanmetENERGY has developed this technical management software application for buildings.

Commercial and institutional buildings with refrigeration systems are reducing their environmental impact.

ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative research and development (R&D) projects
Find information on projects funded under the R&D stream of ecoEII.

ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative demonstration projects
Find information on projects funded under the demonstration stream of ecoEII.