Sir John A. Macdonald Riverfront Park

The NCC’s vision is to reconnect people with the historic Ottawa River by increasing accessibility to its shorelines. Reimagining the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway corridor as a signature riverfront park will help us to make this vision a reality.

Canada’s Capital sits at the confluence of the Ottawa, Gatineau and Rideau rivers. The Sir John A. Macdonald Riverfront Park will cover 9 kilometres of parkland along the Ottawa River, from west of LeBreton Flats to Mud Lake.

The development of the park plan has been informed by public and stakeholder input, via workshops and public consultations. We consulted the public, as follows:

  • During an in-person session (March 23, 2016)
  • With an online survey (March 23 to April 13, 2016)
  • Through a telephone survey of west Ottawa residents who regularly use the parkway (March 16 to April 1, 2016)

Previous public consultations were held in May 2014 and May 2015.

Proposed work on a 2.4-kilometre segment

The NCC Board of Directors approved the Sir John A. Macdonald Riverfront Park concept for the 2.4-kilometre segment affected by the City of Ottawa’s western LRT project, between Woodroffe Avenue and Westboro Beach.

Landscaping and civil works on this stretch are among a number of parkland improvements proposed by the riverfront park plan. These works are given priority, based on the agreement between the NCC and the City of Ottawa. The agreement includes a $30-million funding envelope commitment by the City of Ottawa to the NCC. The work to be executed by the NCC is estimated at $22 million.

Highlights of the concept plan

  • Creation of more shoreline park space
  • Animation opportunities at Rochester Field and Atlantis/Westboro Beach
  • Improved recreational opportunities along the shoreline
  • Public amenities at key points (i.e. public washroom facilities, water fountains, seating and lookouts, bicycle parking, and food and beverage services)
  • New and enhanced river views
  • Enhanced connectivity between the shoreline and communities
  • Safer cycling and walking paths through rational segregation, where possible, with optimal segregation in conjunction with the existing four-lane parkway configuration
  • Three new pedestrian and cyclist crossings

Public engagement

The public was invited in 2014 and 2015 to participate in consultations to review the proposed concepts, and provide ideas and comments, as well as feedback on priorities for the next five years. 

Next steps

The NCC will continue to work with the City of Ottawa to ensure conformity of the light rail project with the NCC’s vision of a revitalized riverfront that attracts people and improves waterfront recreational opportunities.

The Sir John A. Macdonald Riverfront Park was approved in principle by the NCC Board of Directors in January 2017.

Sir John A. Macdonald Riverfront Park

Reimagining the Parkway

Sir John A. Macdonald Riverfront Linear Park Plan

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