Plans and Performance Reports

Welcome to the Natural Resources Canada’s Plans and Performance Reports Website

This website depicts NRCan’s planning and reporting frameworks:  the Program Activity Architecture (PAA), the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), and the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS). The PAA lists the department’s major activities and, through a diagram, explains how these activities work together to achieve results for Canadians. The PMF builds on the PAA by depicting how the department measures those results. Lastly, the DSDS outlines how NRCan’s activities contribute to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy and how the department measures that contribution. These frameworks form the basis for reporting to Parliament on our plans and results: the Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) and the Departmental Performance Report (DPR).

Click on any element of the PAA to access a description of the activity, how the department measures the result of that activity, and how that activity contributes to sustainable development. Also, using the navigational bar to the left, learn more about these frameworks and see how they are used in the department’s RPPs, DPRs, evaluation reports, and audit reports.