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  • Canada's Clean Technology Play all

    Our spotlight on clean technology highlights how NRCan is working to help promote innovation and sustainable development, in Canada’s many natural resource and energy sectors in the transition towards a low-carbon economy and to help slow climate change.
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  • Canada's Forests Play all

    Forests are essential to Canadians, our environment, communities, and economy. Watch how NRCan is dedicated to the sustainable management of Canada’s forests and scientific research from harvesting practices to natural disturbances and much more.
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  • Canada's Energy Innovation Play all

    Check out these videos to find out how energy innovation is a key component of NRCan’s approach to promoting sustainable economic growth, and in supporting Canada’s transition towards a low-carbon economy to help slow climate change.
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  • Canada's North Play all

    Find out more about the research being done in Canada’s North, from defining the outer limits of our continental shelf to providing public geoscience knowledge to inform land-use decision-making.
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  • Canada's Earth Science Play all

    These videos show how NRCan’s research in earth sciences –geology, geomatics, and geography – is helping to strengthen our understanding of Canada’s landmass and natural resources.
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  • ENERGY STAR Canada Play all

    ENERGY STAR® is the recognized symbol of energy-efficient products in Canada. Learn more about how ENERGY STAR helps Canadians save money on energy bills and fight climate change.
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  • Energy Efficiency at Home Play all

    There are many ways that homeowners can make their homes more energy efficient to help reduce their utility costs and Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. From weather stripping, fixing air leaks, and solar powered shingles, these videos show how home energy efficiency benefits us all, and helps slow climate change.
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  • Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Play all

    Canada is a world-leader in research on fuel efficiency and transmission technologies. Check out these videos to find out more about engine technologies, alternative fuels, electric vehicles and how they’ll help slow climate change.
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