Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Steps to a Mentally Healthy Workplace
Presenters:  Sue Freeman and Emma Nicolson, CCOHS
Availability:  On demand - watch it now

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Product Description

Mental health is recognized as an integral part of a healthy workplace. Supportive workplaces promote the total health and well-being of their employees and offer protection from psychological harm. Changing the culture, especially to a culture of caring that embeds all forms of health in all aspects of the workplace, takes effort and time. This webinar will provide you with an overview of the tools and resources your organization needs to create and implement a comprehensive healthy workplace program.

About the Presenters

Sue Freeman is a senior member of CCOHS’ communications team, where she develops educational and marketing materials, administers the speaker bureau, and speaks on workplace mental health as part of CCOHS’ Mental Health @ Work group. Sue is also certified as both an experiential psychotherapist and emotional intelligence coach. She holds a Master’s degree in Science-Marketing from the London School of Business and Finance and the University of Wales, Cardiff.

Emma Nicolson is an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist at CCOHS, where she provides workplace health and safety guidance to employers, employees and government officials, speaks at conferences and with the media, and leads the Centre’s implementation of the CSA standard on psychological health and safety. Emma holds a Bachelor of Health Sciences and a Post Graduate Degree Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Management from the University of Western Ontario.

Length: 51 minutes

This webinar was presented on May 11, 2017. For a copy of the resource handout, please contact

System Requirements

You must have Windows Media 9.0 or higher to view the recorded webinar. You do not need a microphone or a telephone to listen to this webinar - just listen to the presentation through your computer's speakers or headphones.

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