Support for Veterans

Have you been treated unfairly?

If you are a serving CAF member, RCMP member, Veteran, family member or representative and you feel you have been treated unfairly by Veterans Affairs Canada, or you would like information about programs and services that may help, the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman is here to help.

Submit your complaint

Contact us for help

Services for Veterans

Information / Referrals: We can help you navigate the often complex Veterans Affairs Canada system by providing information about benefits and services, your rights and redress options, and by referring you to the right service for your needs.

Complaint resolution: We can help address your complaint if you believe you have been treated unfairly by Veterans Affairs Canada. Every attempt is made to resolve complaints quickly and informally.

Success stories

View all success stories

Increase in Disability Assessment

A Veteran was unsatisfied with the initial (interim) assessment of 28 percent that he had received for several major injuries sustained as a result of an IED explosion.

Long Term Care Expenses

In one instance, a Veteran's daughter contacted our Office because she was frustrated with delays in receiving reimbursement by VAC for her father’s long-term-care expenses.

Overdue Ambulance Bills Paid

A Veteran had an outstanding ambulance bill that had been sent to a collection agency. The Veteran had submitted the bill to Veterans Affairs Canada for payment, but the Department denied payment due to insufficient information.

Homeless Veteran

A Veteran living part-time between a men's shelter and an apartment had an urgent requirement for housing. The location had animal feces throughout the building, police were often called, and his belongings were not secure.

Advocating for Fairness

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About the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman

Veterans Ombudsman, Chief Warrant Officer
Guy Parent (retired).
Read biography

The Veterans Ombudsman works toward ensuring that the sacrifices of Canada's Veterans and their families are recognized through the provision of services, benefits, and support in a fair and timely manner. The Ombudsman plays an important role in raising awareness of the needs and concerns of Veterans and their families.

The Ombudsman is an impartial and independent officer, reporting directly to the Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada. This independence is essential to ensure that the commitment to stakeholders is honoured.

As an independent voice, the Ombudsman works to ensure the fair treatment of Veterans, their representatives and their families, in accordance with the Veterans Bill of Rights.

Most Recent Posts Date
The Veterans’ Service Experience June 8, 2017
Stakeholder Outreach from November 2016 to March 2017 May 26, 2017
Veterans Ombudsman calls for Overhaul of Transition Process April 4, 2017
There has been progress but is it enough? February 27, 2017
Will Budget 2017 Help Veterans? February 20, 2017
Hearing from Veterans – The “Lived Experience” about Transition February 1, 2017

Ombudsman Media Centre

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Welcome to the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman

When Canadians sign up to be members of the Canadian Armed Forces or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, they make a deep, unswerving commitment to the people of Canada. The Office of the Veterans Ombudsman is determined to honour that commitment and return it to those who have put their lives on the line for Canada.

Are you being medically released from the Canadian Armed Forces?

If yes, your transition to civilian life will take place over several weeks, months or years. This can be a difficult time because there are many steps and key players involved. To assist you, we have outlined the three "phases" of transition in a reference tool called Your Transition to Civilian Life - The Three Phases of Medical Release.

Ray Kokkonen - What was the most rewarding aspect of the work that you have done to date on behalf of Veterans?

Recipient Ray Kokkonen talks about what motivates him in his work for Veterans and their families. This is part of a series of clips taken from interviews with 2015 Commendation recipients.

Roméo Dallaire - What inspires your efforts and your work to support Veterans and their families?

Lt.-Gen the Honourable Roméo Dallaire (Ret'd) talks about what inspires him to work so hard on behalf of Veterans and their families. This is part of a series of clips taken from interviews with 2015 Commendation recipients.

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