Mining/Materials Resources

Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Minerals and Metals Sector offers a range of products and services, including publications, statistics, and certified reference materials, along with information about the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA), NRCan-regulated products at the border, and the Kimberley Process for rough diamonds.

Mining/Materials Publications
Scroll through a list of our most recent publications about mining and materials, including key facts and information bulletins. Additional material, grouped by theme, is also available.

NRCan-Regulated Products at the Border
Read about the Single Window Initiative—an integrated electronic solution for collecting, consolidating, and disseminating commercial trade data for NRCan's Explosives Program and Kimberley Process for Rough Diamonds Program.

Start here if you are interested in statistics related to mineral exploration, development, and production.

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act
Find information on key reporting requirements under this Act, which delivers on Canada’s international commitments to increase transparency and deter corruption in the extractive sector.

Kimberley Process for Rough Diamonds
Get the latest on Canada’s contribution to the Kimberley Process—the key international initiative to develop practical approaches to help stem the global flow of conflict diamonds.

Certified Reference Materials
Discover NRCan's Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project, which prepares and certifies reference materials used by industries. You can order a catalogue of materials.

CanmetMINING National Mining Collaborations
Read about some of CanmetMINING’s collaborations such as the Green Mining Initiative Advisory Committee, the Mine Environment Neutral Drainage Program, and the National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative.

Specialized R&D in the Mining Industry
Learn about radioactive waste stabilization and advanced separation technologies for better environmental performance.

Specialized Mining Services
Read about a range of specialized mining programs and activities, from geo-mechanics and rock mass characterization to micro-seismic monitoring and analysis to diesel engine certification.

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