Get Started with Contract History

Contract History is information about contracts awarded by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) since January 2009, on behalf of federal departments and agencies. The data can help you find your competition, including contract value.

This page will explain:

How to use Contract History

Find Contract History related to your industry

On, Contract History data is available by downloading it as bilingual open data on the Download Contract History Data page or you can Search Contract History with keywords aligned to your industry, such as Janitorial Services or specific contract number, such as EJ085-040046/001/FK, or supplier name.

On, you can further refine your search by filtering your result using search facets, such as the Goods and Services, Standardized Supplier Name, and Department facets.

Learn about the different types of contracts awarded to help you understand contract history records.

Use your GSIN code to find Contract History

Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) codes connect all of the procurement data on, including Tenders, Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements, and Contract History. Therefore, it is helpful to know what GSIN codes align to your industry. Browse GSIN Codes to find codes related to your industry or learn how to find your GSIN code in the Get Started with GSIN codes page.

Knowing your GSIN code(s) can help you narrow down to information related to your industry and find the most relevant Contract History.

Search Contract History data by GSIN commodity types:

UNSPSC to replace GSIN codes

Coming in 2017, the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) will replace the GSIN codes. There is no immediate impact to businesses or government buyers. As the transition to UNSPSC is implemented, all of the GSIN codes will be mapped to UNSPSC. This mapping between the GSIN and UNSPSC will be shared by PWGSC on as open data.

Save and follow your search

Saving and following your Contract History search to stay on top of the latest information is similar to the process outlined in Tenders Follow Opportunities page.

For businesses - Why use Contract History

Registered and potential suppliers can use Contract History open data to:

  • find contracts, including contract values, that have been awarded in their industry,
  • identify the department or agency for whom the contract was put in place, and
  • conduct market research and identify potential business partners based on recently awarded contracts.

Government - Why use Contract History

Government buyers can use Contract History to review the procurement history of a supplier and/or a government department or agency.