Canadian Forest Service Publications

L’État des forêts au Canada. Rapport annuel 2016. 2016. Ressources naturelles Canada, Service canadien des forêts, Ottawa. 72 p.

Year: 2016

Available from: National Capital Region

Catalog ID: 37266

Language: French

Series: State of Canada's Forests (CFS)

CFS Availability: PDF (download)

Additional information:

Plain Language Summary

This annual report offers a national snapshot of the social, economic and environmental status of forests and forestry in Canada.

In this edition, The State of Canada’s Forests features a series of articles outlining the effects of climate change on forests, adaptation strategies within the forest sector and the role that forests and forest products have in climate change mitigation. It also presents current information on trends and statistics related to sustainable forest management in Canada and provides comprehensive data sources and information.

Also available under the title:
The State of Canada's Forests. Annual Report 2016. (English)

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