Open Government Blog

June 12, 2017

Many cities want to open up their data but are not too sure where to start. To support these efforts, Open North and the Government of Canada have piloted the development of a do-it-yourself (DIY) open data toolkit for municipalities.

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June 5, 2017

Wendy Gnenz is the Branch Manager for Open City and Innovation at the City of Edmonton and is accountable for advancing the City’s open government philosophy as well as improving corporate effectiveness and efficiency. Edmonton is a leader in the advancement of the principles of open government and open data. Through their Open City Policy, endorsed by City Council in April 2015, they have repeatedly shown that they are a City that believes in the concept that data is ‘Open by Default’.

Continue reading "Get Excited About #OpenData: 4 Things You Should Know!"...

May 31, 2017

By Jean-Noé Landry (Executive Director, Open North) and Mélanie Robert (Executive Director, Information Management and Open Government, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)

Continue reading "Do-It-Yourself Open Data Pilot Project for Municipal Governments now underway"...

May 16, 2017

On April 12, 2017, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and the Canada School of the Public Service (the School) hosted an Armchair Discussion entitled “Open Government Starts with You”. For the first time in the history of the School’s Armchair Discussion the entire event was made open to the public via webcast in real time.

Continue reading "Tools, trends and timely reminders: lessons from the experts on Open Government"...

March 27, 2017

The Open Government team at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat is delighted that Canada has been elected to a seat on the Open Government Partnership’s Steering Committee. We see it as a testament to the great work that Canada is doing to advance open government domestically, and to the commitment to deepening Canadians’ engagement with government.

Continue reading "Canada’s ready for global leadership on open government"...