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Human Resources Strategy

Human Resource Strategy 2014-18


A Strong and Sustainable Public Service

The GN is committed to a strong and sustainable public service that is representative of the territory’s population. Sivumut Abluqta, the Fourth Assembly’s mandate, recognizes that the public service has a vital role in enabling and supporting:

  • Self-reliance and optimism through education and training;
  • Healthy families through strong and resilient communities;
  • Economic growth through responsible development across all sectors; and
  • Good government through wise use of our resources.

A strong public service is made up of skilled and committed people who are motivated to contribute to a positive future for Nunavut. To be sustainable and fully effective, the territory’s public service must attract and retain increasing numbers of Nunavummiut to work in government roles.

The GN Human Resource Strategy builds on the ongoing efforts of the GN to build the capacity and capability of our employees and our organizations. It supports the vision of a representative public service that is skilled and engaged in effective, efficient and economical delivery of programs and services that enable Nunavummiut to live healthy and productive lives.”