Ottawa, Ontario
July 11, 2017

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Imamat Day:

“Shia Ismaili Muslims gather today in Canada and around the world to celebrate the diamond jubilee of their 49th hereditary Imam and spiritual leader, His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV.

“Since becoming Imam in 1957, the Aga Khan has used his role to advance global humanitarian causes, helping to support sustainable development and poverty reduction projects and enhance civil society and education around the world.

“His spirit of cooperation also led the Aga Khan to establish, in 2006, the Global Centre for Pluralism, in partnership with the Government of Canada, and to choose Ottawa as its headquarters. In recognition of his commitment to diversity and pluralism and his many humanitarian efforts on behalf of people around the world, the Government of Canada made His Highness an honorary Canadian citizen in 2009.

“On this day, I invite all Canadians to reflect on the Aga Khan’s example as he continues to inspire us to show compassion towards all those less fortunate than ourselves. To all Ismaili Canadians celebrating the Diamond Jubilee, I wish all of you Khushali Mubarak!”