Internet Services for Canadians

In just a few short years, the Internet has evolved into a multi-dimensional communications medium. It is now possible to use the Internet to watch TV and make phone calls. You can even call 9-1-1.

It is important that Canadians can connect to quality Internet services at affordable prices.

We strive to protect the safety and interests of Canadians by promoting and enforcing our regulations. This includes those relating to unsolicited email.

Read more about what we do.


Make a Complaint

How to make a complaint about your Internet service online, by email and by phone.


Understand your consumer rights email spam. Businesses can find requirements for installing computer programs and guidelines (e.g., help building compliance programs).

Broadband Measurement Project

In 2015, the CRTC launched a project to objectively measure broadband Internet performance, including actual connection speeds, in Canadian homes.


Learn what affects Internet speeds at your home and what you can do to improve them.

Billing and Pricing

There are two acceptable ways for large telephone and cable companies to charge independent service providers for the use of their networks: the flat-rate model, and the capacity-based model.

TV and Online Music

Watching TV and listening to music online, distribution rights, website blocking and offensive content online.

Internet Traffic Management Practices

About Internet traffic management practices and complaints.

CRTC Activities and Initiatives

Strengthening net neutrality in Canada

CRTC is continuing to strenghten its commitment to net neutrality, consumer choice and free exchange of ideas on the Internet! Learn more about what net neutrality means for you.

Closing the broadband gap

Connected - Closing the broadband gap

Following the review of Canada’s basic telecommunications services, the CRTC is setting up a fund to help attain new speeds and better Internet services.

How Does Your Internet Service Measure Up?

How Does Your Internet Service Measure Up?

You can take part in the CRTC’s Broadband Measurement Project, free of charge and with your privacy guaranteed. Submit a request at Measuring Broadband Canada.

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