Proactive Disclosure

As part of its commitment to greater transparency and accountability, the Manitoba government is releasing certain types of information on the government website on a regular and proactive basis. At the present time, the following information is disclosed in this manner:

Ministerial Mandate Letters

Legislative Assistant Mandate Letters

Crown Services Framework Letters

Orders in Council

Orders in Council are available as of January 2007. An Order in Council is a record of a decision made by Executive Council (commonly known today as the Cabinet) and approved by the Lieutenant Governor.

Contract Disclosure

As part of an ongoing commitment to transparency and accountability, the Manitoba government discloses information on contracts valued at $10,000.00 or more each month.

Access the Disclosure of Contracts site to search contracts by department, vendor, year, month or subject matter.

Further information on government procurement and contracting can be obtained from the Procurement Services Branch.

Contract information previously available at Manitoba's Legislative Library can be found here.

Ministers' Expense Reports

  • Ministers' Expenses are summarized annually beginning with the 2006-2007 fiscal year. The report covers costs incurred by a Cabinet Minister and paid by the Minister's department (transportation and travel, accommodation and meals, hospitality, and communications). Constituency expenses are not included.
  • Ministers' Travel Expenses are available starting with the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Released quarterly, these reports cover out of province trips by Cabinet Ministers including trip dates and destinations; purpose; and expenses for airfare; ground transportation; accommodation, meals and phone calls.

Minister's Expenses and Minister's Travel Expenses for every Manitoba government department:

Cabinet Meeting Schedule

The Executive Council of Manitoba, also known as the Cabinet of Manitoba, is made up of elected Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). Cabinet meetings in 2016 under the Pallister administration were held on the following dates:


May 3, 12, 18, 25

June 1, 8, 15, 22, 30

July 6, 27

August 10, 24

September 7, 21

October 5, 12, 19, 26

November 2, 9, 23, 30

December 7, 14

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Access Decision

The following records were provided in response to recent Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) access to information requests received by government departments. The responses are guided by the legislation.

Department Request Number
(click to open)
Request Summary Date Posted
Agriculture 1510-136 - Agriculture (pdf 22.6 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Agriculture (pdf 604 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Civil Service Commission 1510-139 - Civil Service Commission (pdf 398 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Crown Services 1510-136 - Crown Services (pdf 23 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 22, 2016
1510-139 - Crown Services (pdf 167 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Education and Training 1510-136 - Education and Training (pdf 6.5 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Education and Training (pdf 312 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Finance 1510-139 - Finance (pdf 585 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Executive Council 1510-139 - Executive Council (pdf 585 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Families 1510-136 - Families (pdf 35.1 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Families (pdf 48 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Growth, Enterprise and Trade 1510-136 - Growth, Enterprise and Trade (pdf 7.1 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-136 - Growth, Enterprise and Trade (Rural Development) (pdf 407 KB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. (Rural Development) October 13, 2016
1510-136 - Growth, Enterprise and Trade (Tourism) (pdf 677 KB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. (Tourism) October 13, 2016
1510-136 - Growth, Enterprise and Trade (Labour) (pdf 618 KB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. (Labour) October 13, 2016
1510-139 - Growth, Enterprise and Trade (pdf 82 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Health, Seniors and Active Living 1510-136 - Health, Seniors and Active Living (pdf 15.9 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Health, Seniors and Active Living (pdf 616 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Indigenous and Municipal Relations 1510-136 - Indigenous and Municipal Relations (pdf 44 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Indigenous and Municipal Relations (pdf 740 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Infrastructure 1510-136 - Infrastructure (pdf 8.3 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Infrastructure (pdf 617 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Justice 1510-136 - Justice (pdf 4.9 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Justice (pdf 650 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Sport, Culture and Heritage 1510-136 - Sport, Culture and Heritage (pdf 14.7 MB)

1510-136 - Sport, Culture and Heritage - Part 2 (pdf 5.8 MB)
The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Sport, Culture and Heritage (pdf 684 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016
Sustainable Development 1510-136 - Sustainable Development (pdf 19.3 MB) The transition binder prepared by the Department and provided to a new Minister upon appointment that describes the department structure, responsibilities, priorities and critical issues, as well as any advisory notes, briefing notes or other materials provided to the minister by the date of the access request. (Revised: August 24, 2016) July 8, 2016
1510-139 - Sustainable Development (pdf 775 KB) All records reflecting costs that pertain to the most recent government transition. July 22, 2016


Access to Information Requests - Weekly Listing

A listing of the most recent access to information requests received by Manitoba Government departments is posted here. This list does not include access requests received by government agencies or other local public bodies.

FIPPA Weekly Requests 2017 (pdf)

Department Reports / Statistics