Family Justice

Family Law
This site contains Family Law in Manitoba, 2014, a public information booklet that addresses many family law topics, as well as information about other family law services and programs and issues, including:

  • The Child Support Recalculation Service
  • Changing or Varying a Child Support Order in Manitoba
  • Child or Spousal Support Where the Other Person Lives Outside Manitoba 
  • Manitoba’s Maintenance Enforcement Program
  • Case Management
  • Common-Law Partners’ Registry and Property Laws
  • Family Conciliation Services
  • Grandparent and Family Access

Family Justice Resource Centre
The Family Justice Resource Centre is a new service provided by Manitoba Justice. staff can direct you to the services you and your family may need to deal with family law issues.

Maintenance Enforcement Program
The Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP) enforces court orders and separation agreements that require payment of family support. If necessary, collection action to secure family support may include a garnishing order, a summons, seizure of personal property or property liens.

Public Guardian and Trustee
The Public Guardian and Trustee provides trustee services for a fee to the people of Manitoba in situations where no one else is capable or willing to do so. The Public Guardian and Trustee provides the following types of trustee services:

  • Administering estates and making personal decisions for people who are not mentally capable of doing so.
  • Administering the estates of mentally competent people who have granted a Power of Attorney to The Public Guardian and Trustee.
  • Administering the estates of people who have died in Manitoba with no one else capable or willing to act as administrator.
  • Administering trust monies for people under 18 years of age.
  • Administering some adult trusts.

This link also contains important information on powers of attorney services and fees payable.

Inquest Legal Fee Funding Policy
This policy explains the circumstances under which the Government of Manitoba will consider making a contribution to help pay for legal expenses related to inquests ordered under The Fatality Inquiries Act.
