Safer Communities

Community Justice


Manitoba takes a balanced approach to justice, the traditional court system and the community-based justice system. Both strive to ensure the safety and well being of Manitobans while holding individuals accountable for offences they have committed. If individuals pose a real threat to the safety of a community they will not be eligible for community justice. Community justice encourages individuals accused of committing a crime to change their behaviour, and be more accountable to the victim and the community. The Youth Criminal Justice Act and the Criminal Code are supportive of community justice approaches.

Community justice provides victims with greater satisfaction and frees up the criminal court system to focus more effectively on more serious, violent high-risk and repeat offenders. Community justice views crime as an attack on the victim and as a disruption of community balance. The philosophy of community justice is that an effective and meaningful resolution is one that repairs the harm caused by the offender to the victim and the affected community in a timely fashion. Community justice balances the needs of victims, offenders, and communities, by utilizing a variety of restorative approaches. Community justice involves offenders, victims, families and communities in a variety of solution focused processes, including Aboriginal traditional methods of resolving conflicts.

Community justice is community driven and is sustained by volunteers who represent their communities by participating on local justice committees and by several organizations and programs who are mobilized and empowered to take ownership of resolving crime and conflict and building safer communities.

The Community Justice Branch supports over sixty justice committees and several community-based justice programs.

To find out more about this program in your community, contact the nearest Community Corrections office listed below.

All Winnipeg Inquiries:


Rural Inquiries:


Portage la Prairie (Central Region)

(204) 239-3222

Beausejour (Eastman Region)

(204) 268-6096

Selkirk (Interlake Region)

(204) 785-5075

The Pas (Norman Region)

(204) 627-8343

Swan River (Parkland Region)

(204) 734-9356

Thompson (Thompson Region)

(204) 677-6470

Brandon (Westman Region)

(204) 726-6464