Factsheet : Tanzania

Official Title:
United Republic of Tanzania

General Information

Capital: Dodoma / Dar es Salaam (Admin)
Population (million): 48.63
Total Area: 885,800km2
Currency: 1 CAN$ = 1618.30148 Shilling (TZS) (2016- Annual average)
National Holiday: April 26 (Union Day)
Language(s): Official: Swahili and English Others: Arabic, many local languages

Political Information

Type of State:
Presidential Republic

Type of Government:
Executive: The President is elected by popular vote for a five-year term (eligible for a second term). The Prime minister is appointed by the President. Legislative: Unicameral National Assembly (Bunge) (357 members).

Head of State:
President Dr. John Magufuli

Head of Government:
President Dr. John Magufuli

Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation: Dr. Augustine Mahiga Industry and Trade: Charles Mwijage
Finance and Planning: Philip Mpango

Main Political Parties:
Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM - Revolutionary Party), Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendelop (Chadema - Party of Democracy and Development), Civic United Front (CUF - Zanzibar)

Last: 2015 (presidential and legislative). Next: 2020 (presidential and legislative).

Economic Information (2016)

Comparative figures
Type Tanzania Canada
GDP: ($ billion) 62.53 2,026.59
GDP per capita: ($) 1,285.75 55,938.56
GDP growth rate: (%) 6.58 1.43
Inflation: (%) 5.17 1.41
Unemployment: (%) 0 7

Product Trade and Investment (2016)

Canadian exports to country: $86,152,062
Canadian imports from country: $13,685,255
FDI in Canada: $ million
CDI in Tanzania: $ million


Foreign Representation in Canada:
High Commissioner Jack Mugendi Zoka

Canadian Representation Abroad:
High Commissioner Ian Myles

May 2017
Sources include: Statistics Canada, IMF

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Please note that all statistics reflect Canadian dollars, with some figures reflecting the yearly averages for the year. If listed as ’0’ or absent, the statistic is unavailable.
Bilateral Product trade
Canada - Tanzania
Year Exports Imports
2012 $80,462,650 $8,967,589
2013 $76,028,767 $8,536,402
2014 $73,255,706 $43,490,989
2015 $51,566,040 $12,424,126
2016 $86,152,062 $13,685,255
Product trade (2016)
21 HS Sections
Canada - Tanzania
Section Exports Imports
01 Animal & Prod. $ $164,286
02 Veg. Prod. $18,566,000 $11,273,451
03 Fats, Oils & Waxes Prod. $ $1,229
04 Food Prod. $9,882 $1,029,006
05 Mineral Prod. $36,798 $925
06 Chemical Prod. $2,521,529 $1,304
07 Plastics, Rubber Prod. $1,163,038 $398
08 Leather, Fur Prod. $42,192 $7,427
09 Wood Prod. $579 $48,955
10 Paper Prod. $66,590 $8,928
11 Textiles Prod. $11,275,766 $777,686
12 Dress Access. $59,881 $
13 Glass & Stone Prod. $150,578 $1,176
14 Precious Metals/stones $8,400 $154,640
15 Base Metal Prod. $952,958 $22,894
16 Mach. Mech. Elec. Prod. $16,104,603 $3,353
17 Vehicles and Equip. $31,860,859 $863
18 Specialized Inst. $833,128 $10,956
19 Arms & Ammunition $ $
20 Misc. Articles $365,303 $21,451
21 Antiques $ $153,295