• Remarks by the Prime Minister to announce Canada’s next Governor General, Ms. Julie Payette
    Remarks by the Prime Minister to announce Canada’s next Governor General, Ms. Julie Payette
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYThank you all for being here today.Last week I had the honour of meeting with Her Majesty The Queen, in Scotland.It was a particularly poignant visit, taking place as it did during both the 150th anniversary of Confederation, and the 65th year of Her Majesty’s service as Canada’s Head of State.It was a meeting that gave us an opportunity to talk about our shared history and a chance to reflect on what the coming years might look like.
    Ottawa, Ontario - July 13, 2017
  • Canada Day address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Parliament Hill
    Canada Day address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Parliament Hill
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYHello everyone! Happy Canada Day! What a crowd!You know, I’m pretty confident that we’re breaking records here on Parliament Hill. And we should be, because today, together, we’recelebrating Canada 150!
    Ottawa, Ontario - July 1, 2017
  • Address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge
    Address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYConsider:The price they paid.The burden they bore.The country they made.  Seven thousand and four Canadians were wounded in the battle that began here, 100 years ago today. Three thousand, five hundred and ninety-eight Canadians died.This, from a population, in 1917, of just eight million.Think of it, for a moment. The enormity of the price they paid.
    Vimy Ridge, France - April 9, 2017
  • PM speaking notes for the annual international gathering of energy industry leaders
    PM speaking notes for the annual international gathering of energy industry leaders
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYGood evening.Thank you Dan, for the kind introduction. And thank you all for being here. To the many policy makers and industry leaders here today, thank you.And, of course, to the organizers of CERAWeek – thank you so much for this award. It truly is an honour – for me personally, for Canada’s superb natural resources minister, Jim Carr, who is here today, and for the government of Canada.I’d like to begin with a little family history, if I may.
    Houston, Texas - March 9, 2017
  • Address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the St. Matthew’s Day Banquet in Hamburg, Germany
    Good evening, everyone. Thank you all for the warm welcome. It is an honour to be here. It’s truly a privilege just to be invited to the St. Matthew’s Day Banquet, and an even greater privilege to be one of your keynotes this evening
    Hamburg, Germany - February 17, 2017
  • Address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the European Parliament
    Address by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the European Parliament
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERYIntroductionPresident Tusk, President Tajani, distinguished Parliamentarians, ladies and gentlemen.Good morning. It is a privilege to be here today. I’m told that this marks the first address to the EU Parliament by a sitting Canadian Prime Minister, so thank you for allowing me this honour.As you know, I was in Brussels not too long ago to formally sign the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, and the Strategic Partnership Agreement.
    Strasbourg, France - February 16, 2017
  • PM House statement on the terrorist attack in Quebec
    PM House statement on the terrorist attack in Quebec
    Mr. Speaker – It was with shock and sadness that Canadians heard about a despicable act of terror last night in Quebec City. By current counts, six people worshipping at the Quebec City Islamic Cultural Centre have lost their lives, with many others seriously injured. This was a group of innocents targeted for practicing their faith. Make no mistake – this was a terrorist attack. It was an attack on our most intrinsic and cherished values as Canadians – values of openness, diversity, and freedom of religion.
    Ottawa, Ontario - January 30, 2017
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Speech to the Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs Assembly
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Speech to the Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs Assembly
    Before I begin, I’d like to recognize the Algonquin Nation, on whose traditional territory we are gathering. We acknowledge them as the past, present and future caretakers of this land.
    Gatineau, Quebec - December 6, 2016
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Pipeline Announcement
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Pipeline Announcement
    CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for taking the time to join us today. Just over a year ago, Canadians elected a new government. Their marching orders for us were clear: build an economy that works for me and my family, and protect the environment so we can leave a better, cleaner country to our kids.
    Ottawa, Ontario - November 30, 2016
  • PM’s Opening Keynote Speech at the Summit
    PM’s Opening Keynote Speech at the Summit
    Hello, Everyone. It is a real pleasure for me to be with you today—as Prime Minister of Canada, but especially as a proud Francophone.   I would like to thank the President of the Republic of Madagascar and the Malagasy people for their warm welcome. I would also like to mention that the President studied at a Canadian university, the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. So his background is an indication of the wide variety of ties that are being formed between the countries and citizens of the Francophone world.
    Antananarivo, Madagascar - November 27, 2016