
The Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat (CICS) is always on the lookout for talented and motivated individuals.

We offer a stimulating, challenging and rewarding environment with significant opportunities for personal growth.

Representation from the provinces and territories

Reflecting the neutrality and the intergovernmental nature of the CICS, a number of positions in the Conference Services division are reserved for provincial and territorial (PT) public servants who are seconded to the Secretariat from their respective governments. CICS offers these employees a unique developmental opportunity in the field of intergovernmental affairs. Most of them serve three-year terms. Their presence also boosts the organization’s knowledge of provincial and territorial governments as well as Canadian cities and regions where intergovernmental meetings are held. Upon completion of the secondment, the PT employees return to their respective governments enriched with the experience of working with key sectors of intergovernmental activity.

Openings for provincial and territorial public servants:

We have no openings at the moment.

Openings for federal public servants:

We have no openings at the moment.