Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Community Business Development Corporations are making a difference for small businesses located in rural communities throughout Atlantic Canada. See how!


Have an idea for a project to help develop your local community? Check out our FAQ!

Did you know?
  • In recent years, ACOA has approved more than $540 million in funding for community economic development projects throughout the region.

  • In each of the past five years, CBDCs have assisted small and medium-sized enterprises with over $50 million in loans, all with the focus of building stronger, more innovative communities.



Strengthen my Community

Community is an essential part of Atlantic Canadian life. Every local success story adds stability to the local community – financially, culturally and socially.

As such, communities are a high priority at ACOA. 

Community at its best.

Atlantic Canada has long been known for its strong sense of community spirit and resilience. Read more about these inspiring, successful places and the people behind them!

A New Menu for Tourism
A New Menu for Tourism

For years, traditional maritime charm and rugged beauty have drawn a bounty of visitors to Atlantic Canada's shores. But these days, an evolution in all things gastronomic is calling global food-minded travelers looking for new action (and brew!) a-brewing down home... get the full story.

Economic strength, Fogo Island-style
Fogo Island’s new arts studio

At first glance, fine arts and the cod fishery may not seem to have much in common.  But on Fogo Island, they are working hand in hand as part of a remarkable economic and community renewal… get the full story about Fogo Island.

How ACOA helps.

ACOA and its partners are committed to helping create the conditions for communities ― and the industries that sustain them ― to succeed.

We are:

  • Investing in infrastructure to help improve local environments, while helping attract people and business investment.
  • Assisting entrepreneurs in their communities by helping local entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.
  • Helping entrepreneurs to access capital for the creation or expansion of small businesses in Atlantic Canada’s rural communities.
  • Working to promote linguistic duality and the vitality of Atlantic Canada’s francophone minority communities.
  • Working with Aboriginals and First Nations Communities to ensure their access to federal programs and their active participation in the Atlantic economy.

Resources for you.

Find out more about how these resources can help your community.