
Last updated: ET

Still valid: ET

Latest updates: The Health tab was updated - travel health notices (Public Health Agency of Canada).

Risk level(s)

Risk level(s)

Jordan - Exercise a high degree of caution

There is no nationwide advisory in effect for Jordan. However, you should exercise a high degree of caution due to the threat of terrorism, civil unrest and demonstrations.

Border with Syria - Avoid all travel

Global Affairs Canada advises against all travel to all areas within 5 km of the border with Syria, with the exception of the tourist site of Umm Qais, due to incidents linked to the conflict in Syria.

See Safety and security for more information.

Border with Iraq and Highway 10 east of Safawi - Avoid all travel

Global Affairs Canada advises against all travel to all areas within 5 km of the border with Iraq, due to incidents linked to the conflict in that country. This advisory also includes travel on Highway 10 leading to Iraq past the Highway 5 interchange at Safawi (in Mafraq Governorate), due to military activity and the lack of emergency facilities.

See Safety and security for more information.

Refugee camps - Avoid non-essential travel

Global Affairs Canada advises against non-essential travel to all refugee camps in Jordan.

See Safety and security for more information.

Safety and security

Safety and security

Areas within 5 km of the borders with Syria and Iraq (see Advisory)

Clashes involving small arms and mortar fire have occurred in the areas bordering Syria and Iraq, as a direct result of spill over from the ongoing conflict in those countries. Borders with both countries are highly militarized and government security forces have been known to engage vehicles and people coming into Jordan illegally.

Refugee camps (see Advisory)

Avoid any unnecessary travel to refugee camps throughout Jordan. The operation of the camps is managed by the Government of Jordan, which must grant approval prior to any travel into refugee camps.


There is a threat of terrorism. Transnational and indigenous terrorist groups have demonstrated the capability to plan and implement attacks in Jordan.

On December 18, 2016, clashes between gunmen and local police forces in the city of Karak caused ten deaths and 34 injuries. The incident culminated in a shoot-out in a tourist attraction, in which a Canadian tourist was killed.

Following that event, security forces increased the frequency of operations across Jordan, some of which have resulted in the deaths of suspected terrorists, bystanders and local security officers. Further counterterrorism operations are expected throughout Jordan, and heightened security measures are in place.

Targets could also include police and government buildings, places of worship, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, bars, liquor stores, transportation hubs, tourist attractions and other sites frequented by foreigners. Be aware of your surroundings at all times in public places.


Civil unrest and demonstrations, some of which have turned violent, have been taking place since January 2011. Locations where demonstrations have taken place in Amman include the Al Husseini Mosque, downtown; in front of Parliament in the Abdali neighbourhood; and in front of the Prime Ministry at 4th circle on Zahran Street. Other cities in Jordan in where large demonstrations frequently occur include Irbid, Karak, Ma’an, Madaba, Mafraq, Salt and Zarqa. Highway 15, known as the Desert Highway, has occasionally been closed due to demonstrations and violence in Ma’an. Avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings, follow the advice of local authorities and monitor local media.


The crime rate is low by regional standards but petty crime occurs, especially at tourist sites and in crowded areas. Do not show signs of affluence and always keep your personal belongings, passports and travel documents secure.

Carjacking attempts have been reported in Amman. Victims are usually lured out of their car as the result of a minor collision or by another car blocking their route. If you are involved in an accident in an isolated area, stay in your car and call the police at 911.

Road safety

Traffic accidents are very common. Driving habits and styles differ markedly from those practised in Canada. Drivers tend to be aggressive and drive very close to each other. It is typical for drivers not to use signals to indicate turns or lane changes. It is very common for drivers to talk or text on mobile phones while driving, even though this is illegal in Jordan.

You should avoid driving at night, as roaming animals and insufficient lighting create hazards after dark.

If you are involved in an accident, contact the police immediately by calling 911. In the event of traffic accidents resulting in personal injury, drivers may be held for several days until responsibility is determined and restitution made.

Road conditions are particularly dangerous during snowfall or rain, and traffic accidents are more frequent during Ramadan and Eid.

Off-road driving can be hazardous and should only be undertaken in a convoy of four-wheel-drive vehicles with an experienced guide. Leave a travel itinerary with a family member or friend. Be well prepared and equipped with gasoline, water, food and a cellular phone.

Public transportation is usually very crowded and can be uncomfortable.

Cleanliness and mechanical reliability of taxis varies considerably. Book taxis through hotels.

Air travel

The Government of Canada does not assess foreign domestic airlines’ compliance with international aviation safety standards. See Foreign domestic airlines for more information.

Women’s safety

There have been a number of reports of sexual harassment and assaults. Women should dress conservatively, travel in groups and in daylight. When taking a taxi, women should sit in the back seat. Consult our publication entitled Her Own Way: A Woman’s Safe-Travel Guide for travel safety information for Canadian women.

Women have been detained when reporting sexual assault because they must prove that the sex was not consensual to avoid being charged under extramarital sex statutes (see Laws and customs).

Border areas

Landmines and unexploded munitions are still a danger near military installations and borders, including the Dead Sea area. Minefields are usually fenced and marked, but could be difficult to see. Do not touch suspicious or unfamiliar objects.

Exercise caution at the border with Israel, especially if using service taxis when crossing the border, as it may close on short notice.

General safety information

Carry identification documents at all times. Leave your passport in a safe place and carry a photocopy for identification purposes.

Avoid travelling alone in remote areas.

Entry/exit requirements

Entry/exit requirements

It is the sole prerogative of every country or territory to determine who is allowed to enter or exit. Canadian consular officials cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet entry or exit requirements. The following information has been obtained from the Jordanian authorities and is subject to change at any time. The country- or territory-specific entry/exit requirements are provided on this page for information purposes only. While every effort is made to provide accurate information, information contained here is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied. The Government of Canada assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any damages in connection to the information provided. It is your responsibility to check with the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for up-to-date information.


Canadians must present a passport to visit Jordan, which must be valid for at least six months beyond the date of expected departure from that country. Prior to travelling, ask your transportation company about its requirements related to passport validity, which may be more stringent than the country's entry rules.

Temporary passport holders may be subject to different entry requirements. Check with diplomatic representatives for up-to-date information.

Official (special and diplomatic) passport holders must consult the Official Travel page, as they may be subject to different entry requirements.


Canadians must obtain a visitor visa, which is valid for 30 days, when travelling to Jordan. If you arrive by air or through the Sheikh Hussein border crossing, you may obtain a visa on arrival. If you enter the country via the King Hussein Bridge or Wadi Araba (Aqaba) border crossing, you must obtain a visa (online or from a Jordanian diplomatic mission) prior to travelling.

You can extend the validity of a visitor visa at any police station. If you overstay your visa, you will be fined when leaving the country.

Students and business travellers must enter into Jordan with a visitor visa, and must then obtain a residency permit from the Ministry of the Interior after arrival.


Register with the police for stays of more than two weeks.

Dual citizenship

Dual nationals must exit Jordan with the same passport presented on entry into the country. See Laws and culture for more information.

Health entry requirements

You must undergo medical exams to obtain a residency permit, including mandatory testing for tuberculosis, HIV and hepatitis C.

Regional travel

If travelling from Jordan to neighbouring countries, ensure that you obtain your visas prior to departure from Canada. These countries normally will not issue visas at border crossings to individuals without a Jordanian residency permit. Consult the nearest respective embassy or consulate of these countries for more information.

Travelling to and from Israel

Visas are issued only at international airports and the north border crossing in Bisan, the Sheikh Hussein Bridge. Visas are not issued at the King Hussein (Allenby) Bridge between Jordan and the West Bank nor at the south border crossing (Aqaba-Eilat).

Consult the travel advice for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip for more information on entry requirements.

If travelling beyond Jordan, note that Canadians have been denied entry into other countries because their passports bore a Jordanian border stamp issued by an office bordering Israel (such a stamp would indicate that the traveller had entered Jordan from Israel).


Upon departure, your luggage may be searched for security reasons, as well as to prevent the illegal removal of Jordanian (and Iraqi) antiquities.

Yellow fever

See Health to obtain information on this country’s vaccination requirements.

Children and travel

Children need special documentation to visit certain countries. See Children for more information.



Related Travel Health Notices
Consult a health care provider or visit a travel health clinic preferably six weeks before you travel.

Routine Vaccines

Be sure that your routine vaccines are up-to-date regardless of your travel destination.

Vaccines to Consider

You may be at risk for these vaccine-preventable diseases while travelling in this country. Talk to your travel health provider about which ones are right for you.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a disease of the liver spread through contaminated food and water or contact with an infected person. All those travelling to regions with a risk of hepatitis A infection should get vaccinated.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver spread through blood or other bodily fluids. Travellers who may be exposed (e.g., through sexual contact, medical treatment, sharing needles, tattooing, acupuncture or occupational exposure) should get vaccinated.


Seasonal influenza occurs worldwide. The flu season usually runs from November to April in the northern hemisphere, between April and October in the southern hemisphere and year round in the tropics. Influenza (flu) is caused by a virus spread from person to person when they cough or sneeze or by touching objects and surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. Get the flu shot.


Measles is a highly contagious viral disease and is common in most parts of the world. Be sure your measles vaccination is up-to-date regardless of your travel destination.


There is a risk of polio in this country. 


  • Be sure that your vaccination against polio is up to date. Polio is part of the routine vaccine schedule for children in Canada.
  • One booster dose of the polio vaccine is recommended as an adult. 

Rabies is a deadly illness spread to humans through a bite, scratch or lick from an infected animal. Vaccination should be considered for travellers going to areas where rabies exists and who have a high risk of exposure (i.e., close contact with animals, occupational risk, and children).

Yellow Fever - Country Entry Requirements

Yellow fever is a disease caused by a flavivirus from the bite of an infected mosquito.

Travellers get vaccinated either because it is required to enter a country or because it is recommended for their protection.


  • There is no risk of yellow fever in this country.

Country Entry Requirement*

  • Proof of vaccination is required if you are coming from or have transited through an airport of a country where yellow fever occurs.


  • Vaccination is not recommended.
  • Discuss travel plans, activities, and destinations with a health care provider.
  • There is currently a shortage of the yellow fever vaccine in Canada. It is important for travellers to contact a designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre well in advance of their trip to ensure that the vaccine is available.

About Yellow Fever
Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres in Canada

* It is important to note that country entry requirements may not reflect your risk of yellow fever at your destination. It is recommended that you contact the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the destination(s) you will be visiting to verify any additional entry requirements.


Food and Water-borne Diseases

Travellers to any destination in the world can develop travellers' diarrhea from consuming contaminated water or food.

In some areas in Western Asia, food and water can also carry diseases like cholera, hepatitis A, schistosomiasis and typhoid. Practise safe food and water precautions while travelling in Western Asia. Remember: Boil it, cook it, peel it, or leave it!

Travellers' diarrhea
  • Travellers' diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travellers. It is spread from eating or drinking contaminated food or water.
  • Risk of developing travellers' diarrhea increases when travelling in regions with poor standards of hygiene and sanitation. Practise safe food and water precautions.
  • The most important treatment for travellers' diarrhea is rehydration (drinking lots of fluids). Carry oral rehydration salts when travelling.

Typhoid is a bacterial infection spread by contaminated food or water. Risk is higher for children, travellers going to rural areas, visiting friends and relatives or travelling for a long period of time. Travellers visiting regions with typhoid risk, especially those exposed to places with poor sanitation should speak to a health care provider about vaccination.


Insects and Illness

In some areas in Western Asia, certain insects carry and spread diseases like chikungunya, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, dengue fever, leishmaniasismalaria, Rift Valley fever, and West Nile virus.

Travellers are advised to take precautions against bites.



There is no risk of malaria in this country.


Animals and Illness

Travellers are cautioned to avoid contact with animals, including dogs, monkeys, snakes, rodents, birds, and bats. Certain infections found in some areas in Western Asia, like avian influenza and rabies, can be shared between humans and animals.


Person-to-Person Infections

Crowded conditions can increase your risk of certain illnesses. Remember to wash your hands often and practice proper cough and sneeze etiquette to avoid colds, the flu and other illnesses.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV are spread through blood and bodily fluids; practise safer sex.

Medical services and facilities

Modern medical care is available in Amman but could be inadequate elsewhere. Immediate cash payment is often required.

Keep in Mind...

The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety.

Be prepared. Do not expect medical services to be the same as in Canada. Pack a travel health kit, especially if you will be travelling away from major city centres.

Laws and culture

Laws & culture

You are subject to local laws. See Arrest and detention for more information.

Official documents must be translated into Arabic before submission to local government. Government services are offered only in Arabic.

The work week is from Sunday to Thursday.

Illegal or restricted activities

Religious proselytizing is not permitted.

Adultery, extra-marital sexual relations and prostitution are illegal.

Consumption of alcohol outside approved venues is illegal and could result in arrest and/or fines and imprisonment. Public intoxication is a criminal offence, no matter where the alcohol was consumed.

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are strict. Even possession or use of small amounts of illegal drugs is a criminal offence. Convicted offenders can expect heavy jail sentences and fines.

Possession of pornographic material is illegal.

It is forbidden to photograph government buildings and military installations. Do not photograph people without their permission.

If a pedestrian is injured in an accident, the driver is always considered guilty and may face imprisonment and heavy fines.


You may drive rental cars in Jordan with a valid Canadian driver’s licence or an International Driving Permit. If you wish to drive any other vehicle, you must have a Jordanian driver's license.

If a pedestrian is injured in an accident, the driver is always considered guilty and may face imprisonment and heavy fines.

Legal process

The legal process may be slow and cumbersome. Suspects and witnesses to incidents may be held for lengthy periods without access to legal counsel or consular officials.

Dress and behaviour

The country’s customs, laws and regulations adhere closely to Islamic practices and beliefs. Dress conservatively, behave discreetly and respect religious and social traditions to avoid offending local sensitivities. Women should avoid clothing that could be construed as revealing, such as miniskirts, shorts and sleeveless or low-cut (front or back) blouses and tops.

During the lunar month of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Muslim calendar), refrain from drinking, eating, and smoking in public between sunrise and sunset. In 2018, Ramadan is expected to begin on or around May 15.

Avoid physical contact, including holding hands, in public.

LGBTQ2 travellers

While not illegal, homosexuality is not socially tolerated. The Jordanian government does not recognize same-sex marriage. LGBTQ2 travellers should carefully consider the risks of travelling to Jordan.

See Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirit Canadians abroad for more information.

Dual citizenship

Dual citizenship is not legally recognized in Jordan. If local authorities consider you a Jordanian citizen, they may refuse to grant you access to Canadian consular services, thereby preventing Canadian consular officials from providing you with those services. You should always travel using your valid Canadian passport and present yourself as Canadian to foreign authorities at all times to minimize this risk. You may also need to carry and present a Jordanian passport for legal reasons, for example to enter and exit the country (see Entry/exit requirements to determine passport requirements). Citizenship is determined solely by national laws, and the decision to recognize dual citizenship rests completely with the country in which you are located when seeking consular assistance. See Travelling as a dual citizen for more information.

Confirm your citizenship status with the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan prior to departure.

Child custody

In cases of family dispute involving children, before travelling to Jordan, both parents should ensure that they are fully aware of the implications of local laws on children’s mobility, access and custody.

Under Jordanian law, any adult male may prevent his minor children from leaving Jordan by placing a hold on their travel with Jordanian authorities.

It is also legal in Jordan for husbands to place a travel hold on their wife and for adult male relatives (uncles, brothers, grandfathers) to request that a court place a travel hold on unmarried adult female relatives.

Immigration officials may prevent children travelling with their mothers from departing Jordan without the father’s consent. This is possible even if the child or woman is solely a Canadian citizen. Jordanian authorities consider disputes surrounding travel holds as private family matters, and the Canadian embassy is limited in its ability to intervene. Travel holds may only be removed by the person who placed them or by a court.


The currency is the Jordanian dinar (JOD). Automated banking machines are available in Amman and other larger cities, and at the Queen Alia International Airport, but are limited elsewhere. Larger stores and restaurants in Amman and other tourist areas accept credit cards. U.S. dollars and euros can be easily converted into local currency. Canadian currency and traveller’s cheques are not widely accepted.

Natural disasters and climate

Natural disasters & climate

Jordan is located in an active seismic zone. Landslides are possible in affected areas, and strong aftershocks may occur up to one week after the initial earthquake.

Droughts, flash floods, as well as sand and dust storms occur.

Snowfall is infrequent, but causes extensive road closures and disrupts public services when it occurs.



Local services

Emergency services

Dial 911 for emergency assistance.

Consular assistance

Amman - Embassy of Canada
Street Address133 Zahran Street, Amman, JordanPostal AddressP.O. Box 815403, Amman, 11180, JordanTelephone962 (6) 590 1500Fax962 (6) 590 1501Emailamman@international.gc.caInternetwww.jordan.gc.caServicesPassport Services AvailableFacebookEmbassy of Canada to JordanTwitter@CanEmbJordan

For emergency consular assistance, call the Embassy of Canada in Amman and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.

The decision to travel is your choice and you are responsible for your personal safety abroad. The Government of Canada takes the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provides credible and timely information in its Travel Advice to enable you to make well-informed decisions regarding your travel abroad. In the event of a large-scale emergency, every effort will be made to provide assistance. However, there may be constraints that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide services.

See Large-scale emergencies abroad for more information.

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