
“CICS knows exactly how to orchestrate FPT meetings. The logistics are always seamless.”

“Great pre-event coordination and very experienced on-site support.”

“CICS was very responsive and offered great customer support. I would
encourage they continue their great work.”

“I have been attending meetings with CICS for more than 20 years and I continue to be impressed by the professionalism.”

“Continue the great work – such a professional and friendly staff – good to work with in advance and on-site.”

“Service was impeccable!”

“Excellent success using videoconference as a participant and presenter.”

“I found this team to be very discreet and respectful, not to mention very helpful.”

“It seems that CICS is constantly striving to provide excellent services.”

Employee Testimonials

Comments from the 2015 CICS Employee Engagement Session:

“Managers trust their employees and know that they are experts in their fields. Trust makes every conference a success.”

“We are proud of the services we offer!”

“We are always available to support our colleagues, new or experienced.”

“We believe in our organization!”

Q&A with former CICS provincial and territorial government employees
Photo of Jacqueline Gervais

Jacqueline Gervais
Government of Manitoba
Former Conference
Administrative Officer
CICS employment dates:

What was it like moving and adjusting to living and working in a different province and city?

I very much enjoyed working in Ottawa and I felt at home the minute I landed. It’s a beautiful city with friendly people. I come from Winnipeg and I find there are many similarities in both cities, therefore it wasn’t a big adjustment for me apart from not having my loved ones as close to me as they were in my home province. I was welcomed at CICS from day 1 and felt like I was part of a family, which made the transition much easier.

How would you describe your experience as a PT employee at CICS?

I have nothing but good things to say about it. I was treated the same way the permanent employees are treated when it came to the work environment and on the personal/social aspect, I must say that many of my co-workers at CICS went out of their way to ensure I was comfortable and felt welcome in Ottawa. I didn’t feel as though I was there on a temporary basis and got to know many people very well during my 3 years in Ottawa.

What did you like best about working for CICS?
Apart from the friendly staff and management, I liked the fact that I was able to travel so much and see pretty much every major city in Canada. These are places that I wouldn’t have had the chance to visit/see, had I not worked for CICS. The fact that I was working in the office in Ottawa and travelling made it much more interesting as the scenery was always different and of course, meeting people from all government sectors across the country was great. I have made lifelong friends in the process.
How was your return to home government?
The return to the Government of Manitoba was good. Everyone was happy to see me and it was nice to be back amongst my co-workers and closer to my family and friends. At the same time, I also realized that event planning is something I enjoy very much and would like to do for the rest of my career, if the opportunity were to present itself in the future. I miss working with the public as I am a people person and in my line of work here within the Government of Manitoba, I do not deal with the public at all but the transition wasn’t hard either.

Photo of Chris Caldwell

Chris Caldwell
Government of British Columbia
Former Conference Procurement and Technical Services Officer
CICS employment dates: 2011-2014

What was it like working in the National Capital Region?

It was an amazing experience living in the Nation’s Capital. I had never visited Ottawa before, so seeing sights such as the Rideau Canal and Parliament Hill was a thrill. The light show and the ceremonies on Parliament Hill have been captured into tons of photos and video on my iPhone. Other sites that I enjoyed were the National Gallery of Canada, several museums, Spark Street and the Byward Market area. It was great to see people skating on the Canal and also experiencing the French culture on my many visits to Gatineau, Montreal and Quebec City. I made many Francophone friends and have so many incredible memories through these friendships.

What did you like best about working for CICS?

Definitely travelling all around Canada, meeting new coworkers, and making new friends. Working for the federal government was a new experience for me. It broadened my perspective on how the federal government works. I also learned how another organization such as CICS manages conferences. I had worked in Protocol before, so it was interesting seeing the similarities and the differences.

Why do you think it is so important for CICS to remain impartial (to recognize and respect the differences and the confidentiality of the 14 governments it serves by treating them all equally)?

Impartiality and neutrality are crucial when you are bringing two levels of government together. By not taking sides, CICS establishes trust with all conference participants (when sensitive information is being discussed, for example). Working for CICS, it was always obvious how important it was to remain neutral.

How was your return to your home PT government?

It was a piece-of-cake. You guys are so organized. Thank you.

Overall, how satisfied are you with your time working at CICS?

I couldn’t be happier. What an incredible experience! Who gets to travel all around the country and be part of such an important organization? It was amazing.

Would you recommend working at CICS to other employees of provincial and territorial governments?

Absolutely, and there are many reasons for this: career development, seeing our beautiful country, meeting new people and gaining new skills.