Highlights from the National Chief

  • NATIONAL CHIEF Bulletin - December 2016 - Meeting of First Ministers and Indigenous Leaders on Climate Change

    On December 9, Northwest Territories Regional Chief Bill Erasmus, Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day, Manitoba Regional Chief Kevin Hart and myself led an AFN delegation… read more

  • National Chief Perry Bellegarde - Opening remarks to the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly - December 6, 2016

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  • National Chief Bulletin - August 2016 - AFN-INAC Memorandum of Understanding for a Fiscal Relations Working Group

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Parliamentary Relations

Following the AFN Charter and as directed by Chiefs-in-Assembly, the AFN actively engages with Parliamentarians to advocate and advance the aspirations of First Nations. In addition, the AFN monitors and directly engages on legislation which could have impacts on First Nations rights and interests. When Parliament is in session, we provide weekly summaries of activities in the House of Commons, the Senate, and committee business.


28/10/16 Parliamentary Wrap-Up

Please click here for additional information and analysis on legislation and presentations to committees.

Ten Year Anniversary of Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Complaint on Discrimination Against First Nations Children

Assembly of First Nations