Fun Facts

Did you know that Winston Churchill disembarked at Pier 21 during the Second World War?

Did you know that almost one million immigrants passed through Pier 21 between 1928 and 1971?

Did you know that the Scotiabank Family History Centre has access to arrival and departure sources, with some dating as far back as 1865?

Did you know that one of the Sisters of Service who welcomed people to Pier 21 spoke seven languages?

Did you know that Pier 21 had an operating room, a vault, and a recreation room with a stage?

Did you know that the Nova Scotian hotel and the train station were once connected to Pier 21 by a long overhead walkway?

Did you know that almost four hundred thousand Canadian service personnel left from Pier 21 to serve in the Second World War?

Did you know that sometimes as many as seven ships arrived on the same day with passengers for Pier 21?