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Official site of the
a citizens advocacy group dedicated to lower taxes,
less waste and accountable government.

Petition: No Tax Dollars for Luxury Golf Course Airport

Atlantic A luxury golf course in Nova Scotia is lobbying for $18 million in corporate welfare to build a new airport for wealthy golfers even though there are already two airports in the are

Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

Federal CTF reacts to federal approval of Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

No Pipeline? NO EQUALIZATION! Bumper Stickers

National With a donation of $1 or more we will mail you a “No Pipeline? NO EQUALIZATION!” bumper sticker

Taxpayers are losing billions due to a lack of pipelines

National We are launching a cross-country tour to show how much money taxpayers are losing because Canadian oil is sold for less than its full value due to a lack of pipeline capacity.

NB: Don’t Hurt N.B. Businesses with Property Tax Hikes

New Brunswick businesses already pay too much tax at every level, including property taxes. Commercial property taxes in New Brunswick are among the highest in Canada. Sign the petition

Federal: Lower Gas Taxes & Dedicate Them to Roads

Require the federal government by law to continue dedicating all gas and diesel taxes to roads. Sign the petition

Federal: No Carbon Tax

Your government’s plan to impose a “pan-Canadian carbon framework” – a carbon tax - on any province that refuses to do so itself will be an unfair hit to Canadian families, businesses and rural communities. Sign the petition

AB: Scale Back Calgary’s Golden Benefits

The pension benefits provided to city council are way too rich. Sign the petition

AB: No Tax Dollars for Pro Sports Arenas

Calgarians support their hockey team and arena voluntarily through ticket sales and concessions, not through taxes. The City of Calgary can support the construction of a new arena in many ways without asking taxpayers to open their wallets. Sign the petition

BC: Stop the "School" Property Tax Hike

British Columbia
British Columbians should not be punished for owning a home in this province. Sign the petition

Contre les hausses de taxes à Montréal

Au cours de la dernière campagne pour la mairie de Montréal, Valérie Plante s’est engagée à ne pas hausser les taxes plus rapidement que l’inflation. Malheureusement, lors de son premier budget, elle a brisé cette promesse. Sign the petition

Federal: Chop the meat tax

Canadians from coast to coast to coast already pay some of the highest taxes in the world and our meat producers abide by some of the toughest environmental rules on the planet. Sign the petition

Federal: No Money for Omar Khadr

Media are reporting that the federal government is preparing to offer Omar Khadr a $10 million compensation package paid for by Canadian taxpayers. Sign the petition

BC: Cut Vancouver housing taxes

British Columbia
Housing costs in the Lower Mainland are out of control. But more taxes are not the answer. Instead, you need to cut back the 37% of housing costs that go to government. Sign the petition

ON: Reverse the Beer Tax Hike

Beer in Ontario is already heavily taxed, and Kathleen Wynne’s plan to hike the tax by another $1 on a case of 24 will make beer even more expensive. Sign the petition

NB: Stop the New Brunswick Debt Clock

New Brunswick taxpayers have seen almost every tax and fee raised in an effort to balance the budget, yet the government is still spending hundreds of millions more than they are bringing in. Sign the petition

Federal: National Referendum on Abolishing the Senate

The Canadian Senate is neither elected nor accountable to Canadians. For nearly 20 years, politicians have dragged their feet on Senate reform. Sign the petition

Federal: Put Parliament's Expense Receipts Online

MPs and Senators should be transparent and accountable to taxpayers with how they spend taxpayers' money. Sign the petition

MB: Cut the PST

Petition to stop the Manitoba government from raising the PST. Sign the petition

Federal: Balance the Federal Budget

The federal government has run deficits in 37 of the last 50 years, which has resulted in a federal debt of over This $651 billion. debt costs Canadians $26.3 billion dollars per year in interest payments alone. Sign the petition

Federal: Stop Bailing Out Government Employee Pension Plans

Federal, Saskatchewan
Taxpayers can't afford to keep paying billions of dollars each year to bailout government employee pension plans. Sign the petition

NS: Balance the Nova Scotia Budget

We the undersigned, demand the Nova Scotia government honor its commitment to balance the budget in 2013-14 Sign the petition

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on December 07, 2018

Keating's False Statements

Keating's False StatementsThe following is a guest blog post by Colin Craig concerning comments by Councillor Keating about city council's golden pension plan, and Keating's recent comments about the city's retirement bonuses. Read More
on September 14, 2018

The Numbers are in: Olympics will Cost Taxpayers a Pretty Penny

The Numbers are in: Olympics will Cost Taxpayers a Pretty PennyThis week, Calgary’s official Olympic bidding organization, “BidCo,” released their hosting plans for the 2026 winter games. The plan outlines how much the Olympics is expected to cost, infrastructure plans, expected revenues, and the total bill that must be covered by taxpayers. Let’s take a closer look at BidCo’s hosting plan and the potential bill (a little foreshadowing: taxpayers are expected to fork up a pretty penny). Read More


Recent Media

Why does TransLink's CEO earn more than the Prime Minister of Canada?

CTF BC Director Kris Sims says it is outrageous that the head of a small government-owned regional transit line would earn more than the Premier of BC and the Prime Minister of Canada.

Global Affairs Canada has spent $127K on crystal glass and stemware since 2016

Ottawa spent over $127K on crystal glassware.

Alberta has a spending problem not a revenue problem

Some special interest groups are misleading Albertans by suggesting the province needs to raise taxes to deal with its serious financial difficulties.

Why Trudeau's carbon tax is bad for Canada

CTF directors across Canada give reasons why Trudeau's carbon tax is bad for their region and ultimately Canada.

CTF launches Alberta Debt Clock Tour

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is touring its debt clock around Alberta to expose the province's rapidly growing debt.

How should Doug Ford save your family money?

We asked Ontarians how Doug Ford can save them money.

Ottawa buys the Kinder Morgan pipeline

CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick comments on the Trudeau government's recent purchase of Kinder Morgan pipeline.

Carbon taxes: The Washington State experience

The CTF launched a cross-country tour with Todd Myers, Director for the Center for the Environment at the Washington Policy Center, to share lessons from his state’s experience with carbon taxes.

Canadian Taxpayers Federation calls for lower gas taxes

The CTF called on the federal government to remove the federal excise tax on gasoline in order to give Canadians relief at the pumps as part of the CTF’s 20th annual Gas Tax Honesty Day event.

CTF seeks intervenor status in Kinder Morgan pipeline court case

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is joining the fight over the Kinder Morgan pipeline. We are seeking intervenor status in the ongoing court fight, standing up for taxpayers. Oil and gas are vital to our economy and to our modern way of life- this pipeline needs to be built or we won’t have the money and salaries needed to pay the sky high taxes imposed on us in the first place. Help us by visiting - Stand Up and Be Heard

Trudeau's escaltor tax hits alcohol on April 1

CTF's VP Communications Scott Hennig comments on the recent 1.5% increase in alcohol tax on April 1, 2018. In the last federal budget, the Trudeau government introduced the escalator tax that automatically increases the tax on alcohol each year without debating it in the House of Commons.

Give Calgary taxpayers a say on hosting the Olympics

The Alberta government stated it would provide financial support for Calgary's Olympic bid provided the city holds a plebiscite and Calgarians agree to host the Olynpics.

Ontario's 2018 Budget

The CTF's Christine Van Geyn was in the Ontario Budget lockup today. Here's her take on the 2018 Ontario budget. Spoiler: higher spending, higher debt and higher taxes.

Corporate welfare for Bombardier?

After hearing news, Bombardier executives received a 12% pay increase in 2017, CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick questions the taxpayer bailouts given the corporation?

Concerns about the 2018 Alberta budget

CTF's VP Communications Scott Hennig expresses his concerns about the 2018 Alberta budget. The government stated that it expects the provincial debt to hit $96 Billion in five years.
You have the power to change who influences politics in our country: big unions, big corporations and government-funded special interest groups can be challenged by the contributions of thousands of individual taxpayers who care to make a difference.


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“False Alarms”“Message Delivered”
The Taxpayer