Listening Gallery Clips:

The following audio clips are available in English. Transcripts for each clip are available in French and have been translated from English.

1. Change a Life, Change Your Life

In this clip, Linda Zambolin reflects upon her Red Cross Corps volunteer experience at Pier 21 and how it has influenced her life.

2. Smelly Suitcase, Putrid Pig

In this clip, Pier 21 volunteer Heather Wineberg recalls a particular incident when customs officials discovered a surprising item concealed in an immigrant’s luggage.

3. Welcome to Canada: Watch Your Step

In this clip, agricultural inspector David Gray describes his impression of the immigration facilities at Pier 21, specifically the areas in which the immigrants waited to be interviewed and processed.

4. A New Life at a Very Steep Price

In this clip, former Canada Customs employees Marguerite Day, Jim Dauphinee and George LaRue recall how some unscrupulous individuals would seek to profit from an immigrant’s unfamiliarity with Canadian culture.

5. Remembering Sister Margaret

In this clip, we hear Polish immigrant Jackie Eisen share her memories of Sister Margaret, a volunteer with the Sisters of Service at Pier 21 who showed great kindness to the family while they were detained at Pier 21 for three months.