Questions and Answers

How can I share my story?

You can share your story by filling out the online Story Form.

Is there a deadline by which to share my story?

There is no deadline for you to share your story. The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 will always be collecting immigration stories and the online Story Form will always be available.

What should I include?

Recording your journey to and your life in Canada are an important part of illustrating the immigration themes that the Museum explores. Anything that you can tell us about your immigration experience will be of great interest.

We are also seeking items related to your immigration experience, such as photographs, home videos or documents, and there’s a place for you to list them on the Story Form.

If you aren’t sure where to start, we have developed a helpful guide with questions, organized around themes to help you think about what you may want to include in your story. If all of the themes or questions don’t apply to you, that’s okay. This is only a guide.

View the Story Guide.

How will the Museum use my story?

Your story may be used and made available by the Museum for research, exhibitions and a variety of programs. Your story will be available to the public for research, education and enjoyment onsite as well as on the Museum's website.

Submitted stories may be added to the Museum's Permanent Story Collection. Here, the Museum will preserve your donation for future generations to read. For more information on how the Museum will care for your story, please contact Collection Manager, Jennifer Hevenor, at or (902) 420-5209 or toll free at 1-855-526-4721.

Do I still own the copyright to my story if I give it to the Museum?

Yes, you will still own the copyright to your story. When you submit your story you give the Museum a non-exclusive, unlimited use licence to preserve, use and reuse your story. By submitting your story you are also authorizing the Museum to share your story with third parties such as other organizations, researchers and other members of the public. For more information on access to the Museum's Story Collection, please contact Collection Manager, Jennifer Hevenor, at or (902) 420-5209 or toll free at 1-855-526-4721.

How can I access my story?

Your story will be accessible onsite in the Scotiabank Family History Centre and it will be accessible online if permission is provided to the Museum through the check-box at the end of the Story Form.

Submitted stories may be added to the Museum's Permanent Story Collection. For more information on how the Museum will care for your story, please contact Collection Manager, Jennifer Hevenor, at or (902) 420-5209 or toll free at 1-855-526-4721.

Will I be able to see my story online?

Yes, if you have checked the check-box at the end of the Story Form that gives the Museum permission to display it online.

Each submission is reviewed and processed. It will take between eight and 12 weeks before your story will be included in our Online Story Collection. Stories viewable online may also be refreshed from time to time. Search our Online Story Collection.