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Digital Storytelling: newcomers from across Canada share their immigration experience in a personal and creative way.


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The Digital Storytelling Project

As a museum of stories, we have always collected and shared written memoirs and oral histories to help all Canadians gain a better understanding of diverse immigration experiences. Over the years, people have also shared poems, songs and short films about their migration experiences.

In 2012-2013, another creative form of storytelling was added: digital stories. Working with facilitators from Community Story Strategies, we offered digital storytelling workshops across Canada.

Newcomers from ten cities in six provinces and one territory participated in three-day workshops and contributed their immigration stories to the project. Each participant created a two to five minute video that shares their immigration experience in a personal and creative way.

We give our profound thanks to Jennifer Lafontaine and Emmy Pantin from Community Story Strategies, our community partners across Canada and especially our digital storytellers. Without you, this project would not have been possible.

Digital Storytelling Workshops

Digital Storytelling Workshops offer a safe and supportive environment where newcomers can reflect on their immigration experience and shape their own story. These personal experiences of migration provide an important learning resource for present and future generations of Canadians.

If you would like to find out more about future digital storytelling workshops please contact Carrie-Ann Smith