Virtual Sobey Wall of Honour

Honour the Trails, Legacies & Victories

All names on the Sobey Wall of Honour can also be viewed here, on our Virtual Sobey Wall of Honour.

  • Find the location of a brick.
  • Search for a family member or friend.
  • Read stories and see photos of families and individuals on the wall.

If you can not find your brick or if information is missing, please contact
Maria Almeida, Donor Relations Manager (Tel: call  902-420–6656 | 902-425-7770 ext 231).

Share your story and become
part of the legacy

Ensure your story will be shared for future generations by having it posted under your name on our Virtual Sobey Wall of Honour. Friends and family in other parts of Canada and the world will be able to read your story when they view your brick online. There is no additional fee and please allow 8 weeks after the installation/submission date before it is viewable.

Submit Your Information Here >>