Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Symbol of the government of Canada

Overview of Government Spending and Performance

The Overview of Government Spending and Performance provides a whole-of-government overview of actual spending by all federal organizations receiving budgetary appropriations and allows users to navigate to detailed information on departmental spending contained in the DPRs.

2013-14 Overview of Government Spending and Performance

The overview is organized according to a whole-of-government framework which links program activities implemented by departments, agencies, and other federal government organizations to 16 government-wide outcomes within four spending areas.

This tool allows you to:

  • Compare actual versus planned spending for each fiscal year;
  • Identify which organizations contribute to each spending and outcome area; and
  • Drill down to learn more about the specific programs.

The Overview of Government Spending and Performance replaces the former Overview of Departmental Performance Reports. Previous years have been archived: