Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 343 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Affleck, Lindy B
Sexual Deviance Therapist
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Clinical Services
Tel: (902) 368-6391 Fax: (902) 368-5644 lbaffleck@gov.pe.ca
Allison, Peter F.
Chief Legislative Counsel
Justice and Public Safety
Legal and Court Services
Legislative Counsel
Tel: (902) 368-4553 Fax: (902) 368-5176 pfallison@gov.pe.ca
Arbing, Shawn M
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Corporate Services
Tel: (902) 368-5307 Fax: (902) 569-7711 smarbing@gov.pe.ca
Arnold, Della E.L.
Administrative Assistant
Justice and Public Safety
Consumer, Corporate and Financial Services
Consumer Services
Tel: (902) 368-4580 Fax: (902) 368-5283 dearnold@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Andy J
Food Service Cook
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 ajarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Donna L
Deputy Registrar
Justice and Public Safety
Legal and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8190 Fax: (902) 888-8222 dlarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Felix M J
Je parle français
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 888-8250 Fax: (902) 888-8247 fmarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Johnathan
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 jkarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Kevin J.
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 888-8211 Fax: (902) 888-8464 kjarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Michelle I
Justice and Public Safety
Legal Aid
Summerside Location
Tel: (902) 888-8065 Fax: (902) 438-4071 miarsenault@gov.pe.ca