Maarten van Oordt

Senior Analyst

Maarten van Oordt is Senior Analyst in the Financial Stability Department of the Bank of Canada. His policy work focuses on the risk management and financial stability issues that have been pushed to the forefront by the recent financial crisis. Before joining the Bank, Maarten worked as an economist in the Economics and Research Division of De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank). He received his PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam, on the topic “On Extreme Events in Banking and Finance”. Several of the chapters in his thesis have been published in academic journals such as the Journal of Financial Intermediation and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.


Maarten van Oordt

Senior Analyst
Financial Stability
Financial Institutions

Bank of Canada
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0G9


8 June 2017 Using Market-Based Indicators to Assess Banking System Resilience

This report reviews the use of quantitative tools to gauge market participants’ assessment of banking system resilience. These measures complement traditional balance-sheet metrics and suggest that markets consider large Canadian banks to be better placed to weather adverse shocks than banks in other advanced economies. Compared with regulatory capital ratios, however, the measures suggest less improvement in banking system resilience since the pre-crisis period.

On the Value of Virtual Currencies

Staff Working Paper 2016-42 Wilko Bolt, Maarten van Oordt
This paper develops an economic framework to analyze the exchange rate of virtual currency. Three components are important: first, the current use of virtual currency to make payments; second, the decision of forward-looking investors to buy virtual currency (thereby effectively regulating its supply); and third, the elements that jointly drive future consumer adoption and merchant acceptance of virtual currency.
Content Type(s): Staff Research, Staff Working Papers Topic(s): Asset Pricing, Digital Currencies, Exchange rates JEL Code(s): E, E4, E42, E5, E51, F, F3, F31, G, G1

Implementing Market-Based Indicators to Monitor Vulnerabilities of Financial Institutions

Staff Analytical Note 2016-5 Cameron MacDonald, Maarten van Oordt, Robin Scott
This note introduces several market-based indicators and examines how they can further inform the Bank of Canada’s vulnerability assessment of Canadian financial institutions. Market-based indicators of leverage suggest that the solvency risk for major Canadian banks has increased since the beginning of the oil-price correction in the second half of 2014.

Timing of Banks’ Loan Loss Provisioning During the Crisis

Staff Working Paper 2016-27 Leo de Haan, Maarten van Oordt
We estimate a panel error correction model for loan loss provisions, using unique supervisory data on flow of funds into and out of the allowance for loan losses of 25 Dutch banks in the post-2008 crisis period. We find that these banks aim for an allowance of 49% of impaired loans.

Estimating Systematic Risk Under Extremely Adverse Market Conditions

Staff Working Paper 2016-22 Maarten van Oordt, Chen Zhou
This paper considers the problem of estimating a linear model between two heavy-tailed variables if the explanatory variable has an extremely low (or high) value. We propose an estimator for the model coefficient by exploiting the tail dependence between the two variables and prove its asymptotic properties.

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Publications in refereed journals

Work in Progress


  • PhD, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • MSc Business & Economics – Financial Economics (cum laude), Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • BSc Business & Economics (with highest honour), Erasmus University Rotterdam

Research Interests

  • Banking
  • Extreme value theory
  • Finance
  • Financial stability
  • Prudential regulation
  • Risk management
  • Systemic risk
  • Virtual currencies


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