Matthieu Verstraete

Senior economist

Matthieu Verstraete is a senior economist in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department. Before joining the regional analysis team, he was a lecturer in economics at the University of Sherbrooke and, prior to that, worked at the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation. Matthieu contributes to the quarterly Business Outlook Survey, and conducts economic analysis and research. He is a co-author of two peer reviewed articles, one in Labour Economics and the other in the Economics of Education Review. He obtained his M. Sc. in Economics from the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM).


Matthieu Verstraete

Senior economist
Canadian Economic Analysis
Regional Analysis

Bank of Canada
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0G9


Understanding Monetary Policy and its Effects: Evidence from Canadian Firms Using the Business Outlook Survey

Staff Working Paper 2017-24 Matthieu Verstraete, Lena Suchanek
This paper shows (i) that business sentiment, as captured by survey data, matters for monetary policy decisions in Canada, and (ii) how business perspectives are affected by monetary policy shocks. Measures of business sentiment (soft data) are shown to have systematic explanatory power for monetary policy decisions over and above typical Taylor rule variables.

Understanding Firms' Inflation Expectations Using the Bank of Canada's Business Outlook Survey

Staff Working Paper 2016-7 Simon Richards, Matthieu Verstraete
Inflation expectations are a key determinant of actual and future inflation and thus matter for the conduct of monetary policy. We study how firms form their inflation expectations using quarterly firm-level data from the Bank of Canada’s Business Outlook Survey, spanning the 2001 to 2015 period.

13 November 2014 Firm Strategy, Competitiveness and Productivity: The Case for Canada

At a time when the Bank is expecting a rotation of demand toward exports and investment, and transformative global trends are placing increasing emphasis on innovation, technology and organizational learning, an understanding of the competitiveness strategies of Canadian firms and the factors affecting them has become particularly relevant. This article summarizes findings from a Bank of Canada survey of 151 firms designed to extract signals on elements of firm strategy and organizational capital in order to help inform the macroeconomic outlook.

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Refereed Journals

  • “Public Subsidies to Private Schools do Make a Difference for Achievement in Mathematics: Longitudinal Evidence from Canada”
    (with P. Lefebvre, P. Merrigan), Economics of Education Review, vol. 30 (1), p. 79-98.
  • “Dynamic Labour Supply Effects of Childcare Subsidies: Evidence from a Canadian Natural Experiment on Low-fee Universal Child Care”
    (with P. Lefebvre, P. Merrigan), Labour Economics, vol. 16 (5), p. 490-502.

Other Publications

  • “Firm Strategy, Competitiveness and Productivity: The Case for Canada”
    (with L. Rennison and F. Novin), Bank of Canada Review, Autumn.

Other Research

  • “Understanding Monetary Policy and its Effects: Evidence from Canadian firms using the Business Outlook Survey”
    (with Lena Suchanek). March 2017.
  • “Understanding Firms' Inflation Expectations Using the Bank of Canada's Business Outlook Survey”
    (with Simon Richards). September 2016. CESifo Working Paper No. 6090. Bank of Canada Staff Working Paper No. 2016-7.


  • Master of Science (M. Sc.), Economics, University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), May 2006
  • Master 2 Technique d’information et de décision dans l’entreprise, University of Paris I : Panthéon‑Sorbonne, September 2004
  • Magistere of Economics, University of Paris I : Panthéon‑Sorbonne, September 2003

Research Interests

  • Applied Econometrics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics


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