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About Us

What we do

Created in 2007, the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime (OFOVC) operates at arm's length from the federal government and works to help victims of crime and their families.
The OFOVC responds directly to calls, emails and letters from victims of crime and works to ensure the federal government meets its responsibilities to victims. We:

  • inform victims about the federal programs and services that exist to help them;
  • address complaints made by victims about federal government departments, agencies, laws, policies, programs or services;
  • refer victims to programs and services in their city, province or territory that may be able to assist them;
  • identify issues that have a negative impact on victims and make recommendations to the federal government on how to effect positive change for victims of crime;
  • educate federal law and policy-makers about the needs and concerns of victims; and
  • promote the principles set out in the Canadian Statement of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime with federal decision- and policy-makers.

If you are a victim of crime, the OFOVC can:

  • answer your questions about your rights as a victim;
  • give you information about the services and programs available to you through the federal government;
  • receive and review your complaints about other federal government departments, agencies, laws, policies, programs or services;
  • refer you to programs and services in your city, province or territory that may be able to help you; and
  • make recommendations to the federal government on how to better meet the needs and concerns of victims and report on those recommendations publicly.
OFOVC's services are free of charge. We do not advocate on behalf of individual victims or provide legal advice. The OFOVC can review matters that occurred only after the Office was created in March 2007 and cannot review or assist with matters that fall within provincial responsibility, such as compensation.