Office of the Procurement Ombudsman


New to Office of the Procurement Ombudsman? Follow me…

Our mission is to promote fairness, openness and transparency in federal procurement.

To achieve this mission, we focus on three areas:

Educate, Facilitate and Investigate

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New to OPO? Follow me

I have an issue with the award of a contract

The government must conduct contracting in a manner that is consistent with fairness, openness and transparency.

Read more - I have an issue with the award of a contract

I have a contract with the federal government and I have an issue…

I have a contract with the federal government and I have an issue…

If you are a party to a contract with the federal government and have an issue regarding the way the contract is being managed (for example, administered), you can submit a complaint to our office.

Read more - I have a contract with the federal government and I have an issue…

Not sure if OPO can help? Call us, you may be surprised!

Not sure if OPO can help? Call us, you may be surprised!

Are you concerned about a federal contract but not sure whether you’re ready to file a complaint? Are you wondering if we can do anything about your issue? As an Ombudsman office, we are here to help! Period. So give us a call and let’s discuss how we may be able to help, you might be surprised!

Read more - Not sure if Office of the Procurement Ombudsman can help? Call us, you may be surprised!

Not sure if OPO can help? Call us, you may be surprised!
Current reviews
Promoting, Fairness, Openness and Transparency in Federal Procurement

"Office of the Procurement Ombudsman Helps" Stories

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