Agriculture: then and now - Food accessibility (video)

Are you amazed by the variety of food available all year long? See how much we’ve grown. Celebrate with us and check out the full Then and Now video series.

Video transcript

[Upbeat music.]

[White background]

Text on screen: agriculture: then and now

Text on screen: food accessibility

[Fade to a black and white picture of a woman with homemade canned goods.]

Text on screen: then

Female narrator:
Then: Preserving the summer’s harvest was essential to surviving Canadian winters. Some folks had root cellars to store their fruits and vegetables for up to six months.

Text on screen: store up to six months

Others canned, dried and pickled their food to make it last. But, freshness and variety were often lacking…

Text on screen: freshness was lacking

…once the dark, cold months set in.

[Picture fades to a black and white collection of various vegetables.]

Text on screen: now

[Picture gradually turns to colour.]

Now: Canned and pickled foods are still popular, but state-of-the art technologies mean lots of variety year long!

Text on screen: year-long variety

For example, fruits and vegetables stay fresh up to 12 months…

Text on screen: fresh up to 12 months

…in climate-controlled storage facilities, or they can be flash frozen…

Text on screen: flash frozen

…with little impact on nutrients, taste and quality.

[Image fades to coloured picture of a man in a greenhouse with yellow bell peppers]

Also, cutting-edge greenhouse technologies allow farmers to grow vegetables year-round.

Text on screen: grow vegetables year-round

So the veggies you eat in February taste almost as fresh as the ones that come straight from your garden.

[Fade to white.]

We’ve come a long way.

Text on screen: We’ve come a long way.

[Upbeat music fades out.]

Text on screen: Canada 150 logo

Text on screen: See how much we’ve grown.

Text on screen:

[Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada wordmark]

[Canada wordmark]

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