Defence Renewal Overview

What it is 

Defence Renewal is the effort being undertaken by The Defence Team – civilian and military personnel combined - to minimize inefficiency, streamline business processes and maximize the operational results we deliver for Canada and Canadians.  It will focus on clear accountability and process improvements, while encouraging a stronger culture of innovation.

Defence Renewal further aims at establishing the conditions for continual improvement, in strengthening the vitality of the Defence Team, constantly seeking better ways to work, and reinvesting the savings generated by this renewal process into Defence capabilities and readiness.

By changing the way we work for the better and ensuring our members can be of maximum value in their respective roles, the Defence Team can position ourselves to take on the challenges that lie ahead.

Why it matters

Through Defence Renewal, the modern, first-class military envisioned in the Government’s Canada First Defence Strategy can continue to be delivered and the operational excellence for which Canada’s military is known can be sustained. 

Defence Renewal will ensure the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces continue to receive the support and trust of Canadians by providing the best military capabilities for the best value to Canadians.   

The timeframe

  • August 2012: A Defence Renewal Team is established to lead and guide renewal efforts, comprising about 22 civilians and military personnel, under joint civilian-military leadership.
  • February 2013: McKinsey & Company, a recognized organization with significant Defence Business Planning Renewal experience, is engaged to undertake the in-depth analysis of renewal and transformative opportunities.  
  • October 2013: A Defence Renewal Charter is introduced to set out clear goals, common objectives, timelines, methods to measure progress and a governance process to oversee Defence Renewal. This Charter, and its supporting Defence Renewal Plan, will be in effect over the next five years, 2013-2018.
  • Over the long term, a comprehensive performance measurement system will be in place to assess improvements, guide resource allocation and ensure accountability.  Continuous improvement will become a permanent feature of Defence’s business culture and processes. 

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