2012-13 Departmental Performance Report

Expenditure Profile and Estimates by Vote

Expenditure Profile

Alternate Format

The Department's total actual spending for 2012-13 was $1,777.1 million. This represents a decrease of 6% compared to the total actual spending for 2011-12 ($1,880.9 million).

This decrease is mainly attributed to a decrease in total authorities approved by Parliament in the Main and Supplementary Estimates and allocated by Treasury Board. The reduction of funding in the Main Estimates related to items such as the transfer of resources to fund Shared Services Canada, the completion of the Divestiture of Non-Core Harbours Program, and funding to support Québec and Atlantic Canada lobster harvesters and the economic viability and long-term sustainability of the Québec and Atlantic Canada lobster fishery.

The decreasing spending trend is mainly attributed to spending reductions resulting from Budget 2012 implementation, the transfer of resources to Shared Services Canada, and the sunsetting of various departmental programs.

Estimates by Vote

For information on the Department's organizational votes and/or statutory expenditures, please see the Public Accounts of Canada 2013 (Volume II).