Get involved

Your chance to participate, be heard and learn

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) welcomes public participation and offers many ways for you to get involved.

Voice your opinion

You can voice your opinion on nuclear regulatory matters. The CNSC takes your opinion into account when making decisions.

Need funding?
Learn how the Participant Funding Program (PFP) helps the public, Aboriginal groups and other stakeholders request funding from the CNSC to participate in its regulatory processes.

Comment on proposed regulatory changes
The CNSC actively seeks your feedback on draft regulatory documents, discussion papers and proposed regulatory amendments.

Get informed

The CNSC offers many ways for you to get informed about nuclear matters and the CNSC's role in regulating them.

Invite a CNSC expert

Part of the CNSC’s mandate is to disseminate objective scientific, technical and regulatory information to the public. This takes many forms, including face-to-face interaction with experts from across the organization. To invite one of our many nuclear safety experts to speak, send an email to Engagement.

Stay connected

You can get the latest information on Canadian nuclear regulatory oversight by choosing one or more of the following.

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