Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is GEDS?
  2. Who updates GEDS and how often is the information updated?
  3. How do I add/change/delete my contact information in GEDS?
  4. Why didn't I find the person I was looking for?
  5. Why isn't the email address I'm looking for listed?

1. What is GEDS?

GEDS provides a directory listing of federal public servants in federal government departments and agencies across Canada.

Users can search GEDS for a specific individual using the general and advanced search options, or browse through the organizational hierarchy by clicking through links starting at the departmental listing page.

Users can narrow their search to a specific department or organizational unit by browsing first to the desired department or organization before performing a search.


2. Who updates GEDS and how often is the information updated?

One or more data administrators in each department are responsible for updating the information for their department. Some departments make changes on a daily basis and others less frequently.


3. How do I add/change/delete my contact information?

If you are a federal government employee, please contact the data administrator(s) for your department or agency.


4. Why didn't I find the person I was looking for?

There are several reasons why you may not be able to find a specific entry when performing a search.

If you encountered a size or a time limit warning, this means that your search took too long or that too many entries matched your search value. The search stopped with partial results. Refine your search to avoid these limits.

Some searches ignore accented characters and others take them into account.

Please refer to the Help section for more information about refining searches and how accented characters are handled.

The entry you are looking for may not be in GEDS. Departments and agencies are solely responsible for updating the information regarding their organization in GEDS. Most departments list employees under their Branches. However, some departments only list their main Branches with a general enquiries number with no people entries. Other departments may choose to list contact information of only their managers and upper management.


5. Why isn't the email address I'm looking for listed?

The email field is an optional field in GEDS. Due to concerns about spam, the decision to include or release email addresses is up to the individual departments and agencies.

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