We Grow Innovation

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Video Transcript

[Science-fiction thriller-type music rises and plays throughout the video]

[A computer logon screen appears. The fields automatically fill]

Text on screen:
PASSWORD: ***********

Text on screen:

Text on screen:

[A computer interface emerges from the black. Along the top is written "Case Study Database". There is a globe. A maple leaf swooshes across the screen with an audio effect.]

Text on screen:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
We grow a lot more than you may think.

Text on screen (appears to be typed in):

Subject: Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector

  • Contributes $100 billion annually to Canada's GDP
  • Is the 5th largest exporter in the world
  • Employs 2.1 million Canadians
  • Is at the forefront of innovation

[The interface reveals a closer view of the globe, focused on North America and Canada. It appears the computer is searching a database.]

Text on screen:

Searching case studies…


[A site or scope (mire) appears over top of a satellite image of Canada. It moves across the map, trying to detect a location. It pinpoints Alberta and zooms in.]

Text on screen: Location: Canada

Text on screen: Location: Alberta

[Two small video windows appear. One window plays a video with pigs in a barn, feeding. The other window displays a video of a combine, harvesting corn. Text then appears to be typed onto the screen.]

Text on screen:
Fueling Feed

Find new uses for agricultural byproducts.

Investing in research networks with industry has found a new use for biofuels byproducts as feed for livestock.

Maximizing resources

[A site or scope (mire) appears over top of a satellite image of Canada again. It moves across the map, trying to detect a location. It pans across the whole country and stops. One small window appears. In it, we see a canola farmer in front of his grain containers. In the background is an image of canola fields. Text emerges on screen as if being typed.]

Text on screen: Location: All across Canada

Text on screen:
A Cinderella Crop

Take what grows well in Canada and make it profitable for farmers

Science transformed a well-growing plant into one of Canada's most valuable field crops – canola. Today, Canada contributes nearly 40% to global canola imports.

Driving our economy

[A site or scope (mire) appears over top of a satellite image of Canada again. It moves across the map, trying to detect a location. It stops on Manitoba and zooms in. One small video window appears. In the background is a close-up image of wheat. In the window, we see a wheat field and then round bales of straw. Another image appears in the window with several sheets of ordinary paper. Text emerges on screen as if being typed.]

Text on screen: Location: Manitoba

Text on screen:
Turning Straw into Gold

Find new revenue sources for farmers from agricultural waste.

Investments in innovation have led to a new type of paper made from wheat and flax straw that would otherwise be burned.

Building new markets while reducing waste.

[The scope (mire) appears over top of a satellite image of Canada again. It moves across the map, trying to detect a location. It stops on Ontario and zooms in. A small video window shows several beehives, then a bee on a sunflower plant, then a greenhouse. In the background are tomato plants with blossoms. Text emerges on screen as if being typed.]

Text on screen: Location: Ontario

Text on screen:
Thinking Outside the Beehive

Find a more effective way to deliver biopesticide directly to commercial crops.

Researchers have developed a process using bees to deliver a biopesticide to greenhouse plants during pollination. The biopesticide is harmless to bees and the environment.

Innovating to work smarter.

[The scope (mire) appears over top of a satellite image of Canada again. It moves across the map, trying to detect a location. It stops on Quebec and zooms in. A small video window shows a consumer reading the label of a yogurt container at the grocery store, then a woman eating yogurt and close up images of yogurt in a bowl. In the background is an image of two scientists in a laboratory. Text emerges on screen as if being typed.]

Text on screen: Location: Quebec

Text on screen:
Getting proactive on probiotics

Help food processors meet consumer demand for healthier foods.

Researchers are working on a protective coating for probiotics that can survive the harsh conditions of human digestion to deliver full benefits.

Delivering safe and healthy products.

[The scope (mire) appears over top of a satellite image of Canada again. It moves across the map, trying to detect a location. It stops on the Atlantic provinces and zooms in. A small video window shows farmer in a field of soybeans, then a close up of a handful of yellow soybeans, then an image of a maritime port with ship and shipping containers. In the background is an image of a bowl of green soybeans. Text emerges on screen as if being typed.]

Text on screen: Location: Atlantic Canada

Text on screen:
Magic Beans

Maximizing growth and profit for soybean growers.

Researchers have developed new soybeans, including short-season varieties that will increase opportunities domestically and abroad.

Competing in new markets.

[The scope (mire) re-appears over top of a satellite image of Canada again. It moves and zooms out to reveal the globe. Text emerges on screen as if being typed.]

Text on screen:

AAFC is working in partnership to fuel the sector's growth and prosperity through science and innovation.

[A maple leaf swooshes across the screen with an audio effect.]

Text on screen:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
We grow a lot more than you may think.

[The computer interface fades into the darkness. Only the sun and the earth appear. The text explodes towards the viewer. Stars emerge from the dark with the final text.]

Text on screen:

For more videos and information about Canada's innovative agriculture sector, go to agr.gc.ca

[Fade to black]

Text on screen: Canada. Copyright, Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, as represented by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2013.

[Fade to black]

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