Transportation Security Clearance Program - Aviation


The aim of the Transportation Security Clearance Program Policy is the prevention of unlawful acts of interference with civil aviation by granting of clearances to persons who meet the standards set out in the Program.


The objective of this Program is to prevent the uncontrolled entry into a restricted area of a listed airport by any individual who;

  1. is known or suspected to be involved in activities directed toward or in support of the threat or use of acts of serious violence against persons or property;
  2. is known or suspected to be a member of an organization which is known or suspected to be involved in activities directed towards or in support of the threat or use of acts of serious violence against people or property;
  3. is suspected of being closely associated with an individual who is known or suspected of;
    • being involved in activities referred to in paragraph (a);
    • being a member of an organization referred to in paragraph (b); or
    • bring a member of an organization referred to in subsection (e) hereunder.
  4. the Minister reasonably believes, on a balance of probabilities, may be prone or induced to;
    • commit an act that may be unlawfully interfere with civil aviation; or
    • assist or abet any person to commit an act that may unlawfully interfere with civil aviation.
  5. is know or suspected to be or to have been a member of or a participant in activities of criminal organizations as defined in Subsection 467.1 and 467.11 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada;
  6. is a member of a terrorist group as defined in Section 83.01 (1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

The Program is in place to determine whether a person poses a risk to transportation security.


Please refer to the following link - Transportation Security Clearance Program (TSCP)


Transport Canada is the lead for aviation security in Canada and is responsible for the development of aviation security legislation, policies, programs and regulations to prevent unlawful interference with civil aviation, as well as oversight to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Overall security at our airports is a shared responsibility among departments and agencies that work closely with Transport Canada, including the RCMP, Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA), the Canadian Air Transportation Security Agency (CATSA), Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), and local authorities at individual airports.

Strengthening and improving security screening of all kinds is one of Transport Canada’s major priorities, and we will continue to support and collaborate with our security partners to protect Canadian travellers, transportation operators, employees and infrastructure.

Important Facts

Canada's aviation security system is based on an integrated, multi-layered approach that combines partnerships, intelligence assessment and sharing, policing, physical security, regulations, training and the use of human and technical resources to help minimize risks.

Employees who require access to a plane or require access to a restricted area at the airport must have a valid transportation security clearance. Airport employees may also be subjected to a Non-Passenger Screening procedure administered by CATSA.

Transport Canada verifies the suitability of each Transportation Security Clearance applicant with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), RCMP and CSIS. If Transport Canada obtains credible information indicating that an applicant or an existing pass holder poses a transportation security risk, the department responds immediately to refuse, suspend or revoke the clearance of the individual in question.

Process of Applications

To apply for a transportation security clearance (TSC) the applicant must fill out a TSC form available at the Transportation Facility Enrolment Site or the Online Application Process.

Applicants must provide government-issued identification, biographical data, fingerprints, a photograph and verifiable information on the past five years of their work, study and residency. Transport Canada then verifies the suitability of each applicant with CIC, the RCMP and CSIS.

For more information, please contact the Security Screening Program at  613-990-5532, 613-990-2848 or e-mail  SecurityScreeningRequests/

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