Green Procurement Tables for the Departmental Performance Report 2011-2012

Green Procurement Tables for the
Departmental Performance Report 2011-2012

Departments and agencies bound by the Policy on Green Procurement but not the Federal Sustainable Development Act must complete mandatory reporting on meeting the requirements of Section 7 of the Policy on Green Procurement using this section.

Strategies / Comments

1. Approach: The Tribunal’s approach to implementing green procurement is to target the use of PWGSC procurement instruments, the delivery of training to key personnel, including Contracting and Administrative Services staff and acquisition card holders, as well as the inclusion of green procurement objectives in the employee performance evaluations of contracting and materiel management personnel.

2. Management Processes and Controls: The Tribunal uses PWGSC consolidated procurement instruments as its primary procurement mechanism and leverages the environmental considerations incorporated into these standing offers by PWGSC. Furthermore:

This fiscal year, the Tribunal’s Finance, Planning and Administration sector (Contracting team) has added Green Procurement considerations to the Tribunal Contracting Checklist, which accompanies all contract files and receives two signatures in order to validate the contracting process.

i. Require the purchase of the most environmentally preferable goods through PWGSC standing offers; and

ii. Require that disposal of equipment is conducted in an environmentally preferred manner.

Since 2010-2011, the Federal Electronic Waste Strategy is followed by the Tribunal for electronic and electrical equipment.

The Statement of Work templates used for contracting for services have been updated and provided to clients and now include environmental considerations.

These management processes and controls were selected through an analysis of the Tribunal’s decision-making processes and controls. The analysis was conducted to identify those processes and controls that should include environmental considerations and referenced PWGSC’s Guideline for Integrating Environmental Considerations into Departmental Procurement Management Frameworks.

3. Setting Targets: In addition to commitments identified in ii., iv., and v., the Department set the following target:

Ensure an increase in purchases made through PWGSC procurement instruments where available.

4. Training: The Tribunal required that all existing procurement and materiel management staff take CSPS course C215 (2 employees in total).

5. Performance Evaluations: Next fiscal year the Tribunal required that each manager of functional specialists (2 managers in total) had an objective included in his/her performance management agreement to ensure environmental considerations are taken into account in all procurement activities.

Part A: Green Procurement Capacity Building

Activity Target as %
(as reported in 2011-2012 RPP)
Actual Results as % Description/Comments
Training for Procurement and Materiel Management Staff N/A 50% of Procurement & Materiel Management staff completed the training in 2011-2012. Training completed by 1 out of CITT’s 2 Procurement and Materiel Management functional specialists in fiscal 2011-2012. No training was completed in 2010-2011.
Training for Acquisition Card Holders N/A 33% of acquisition card holders completed the training in 2011-2012. Training completed by 1 out of CITT’s 3 acquisition card holders during 2011-2012 fiscal year. No training was completed in 2010-2011.
Performance Evaluations N/A NIL To be evaluated at the beginning of fiscal year 2013-2014 as per the 2013-2014 RPP.
Procurement Processes and Controls N/A Procurement Processes and Controls were implemented in 2011-2012. CITT Procurement and Materiel Management staff verifies standing offers in order to ensure that a maximum number of supplies are environmentally friendly. CITT has improved tracking and monitoring of green procurement with the development and use of a tracking spreadsheet as well as added green considerations to the departmental contracting. No RPP information available, comparison with 2010-2011 fiscal year DPR.

Part B: Use of Green Consolidated Procurement Instruments
Performance Measures for Part B

Good/Service Target as %
(as reported in 2011–2012 RPP)
Actual Results as % Description/Comments
Office Supplies N/A 41% green procurement in 2011-2012. It is a 7% decrease in comparison with the 2010-2011 DPR (48%) Green Procurement = $15,553.14 HST incl.
Other Supplies = $22,201.08 HST incl.
Total Supplies = $37,754.22 HST incl.
Furniture N/A 92% green procurement in 2011-2012. It is an 80% increase in comparison with the 2010-2011 DPR (12%) Green Procurement = $37,600.00 HST incl.
Other Furniture = $3,070.00 HST incl.
Total Furniture = $40,670.00 HST incl.
IT Hardware/Monitors N/A 93% green procurement in 2011-2012. It is a 34% increase in comparison to the 2010-2011 DPR (59%) Green Procurement = $97,457.33 HST incl.
Other Hardware/Monitor Procurement = $6,807.12 HST incl.
Total IT Hardware/Monitors = $104,264.45 HST incl.

Part C: Reduction Initiatives for Specific Goods
Performance Measure for Part C

Consumable/Asset Target as %
Reduction or # per FTE
Actual Results as %
Reduction or # per FTE
Copy paper N/A 7% reduction in paper sheet consumed compared to 2010-2011. # of copy paper sheets consumed in 2011-2012= 1,179,999
# of copy paper sheets consumed in 2010-2011= 1,271,000
No RPP information available, comparison with 2010-2011 fiscal year DPR.
Leased Multifunction Devices N/A One device per 13 FTEs in 2011-2012. It is a reduction of 1 FTE per device compared to the 2010-2011 DPR (1 in 14) CITT leased 6 multifunction devices in 2011-2012.
FTEs 2011-2012 = 78
Equivalent to 1 device per 13 FTEs
Printing Devices N/A 1 device per 3.4 FTEs. No change compared to 2010-2011. CITT owned 23 printing devices during fiscal year 2011-2012.
FTEs 2011-2012 = 78
23 Printing Devices
Equivalent to 1 device per 3.4 FTEs.

Resource Type


Publication Date

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Modification Date

Wednesday, October 24, 2012