Service standards for high-volume regulatory authorizations for the CNSC

Definitions and additional information:

  • Annual service performance is measured over the course of the fiscal year (April 1–March 31).
  • TBD indicates that performance data to be determined after the end of the fiscal year (March 31).
  • Service standard calculation: If the CNSC requires the applicant to provide further information, the time taken by the applicant to comply with the requirement is not included in the time calculation of the service standard.

Licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices

Service standard

  • Licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices: screen the licence application for completeness and issue a notification that the application is or is not ready for technical assessment, within 20 business days.
  • Licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices: conduct a technical assessment and issue a licensing decision within 80 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC.

Service standards do not apply to: licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices, or licence application for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment, which require public hearings or require environmental assessments under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012.

Performance target

  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 90% for screening under normal circumstances.
  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 80% for decisions under normal circumstances.
Performance information
Service standard Performance target Actual performance 2013-14 Actual performance 2014-15 Actual performance 2015-16 Actual performance 2016-17 Actual performance 2017-18
Licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices:
screen the licence application for completeness and issue a notification that the application is or is not ready for technical assessment, within 20 business days.
90% 90% 93.87% 98% 98% TBD
Licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices:
conduct a technical assessment and issue a licensing decision within 80 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC.
80% 95% 99.50% 97% 95% TBD

Applying for a nuclear substances and radiation devices licence

Service feedback

To provide feedback on service standards, please contact the CNSC.

Licence application for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment

Service standard

  • Licence application for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment: screen the licence application for completeness and issue a notification that the application is or is not ready for technical assessment, within 20 business days.
  • Licence application for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment: conduct a technical assessment and issue a licensing decision within 80 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC.

Service standards do not apply to: licence application for nuclear substances and radiation devices, or licence app lication for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment, which require public hearings or require environmental assessments under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012.

Performance target

  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 90% for screening under normal circumstances.
  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 80% for decisions under normal circumstances.
Performance information
Service standard Performance target Actual performance 2013-14 Actual performance 2014-15 Actual performance 2015-16 Actual performance 2016-17 Actual performance 2017-18
Licence application for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment:
screen the licence application for completeness and issue a notification that the application is or is not ready for technical assessment, within 20 business days.
90% 95% 93.98% 94% 94% TBD
Licence application for Class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment:
conduct a technical assessment and issue a licensing decision within 80 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC.
80% 92% 100% 98% 87% TBD

Applying for a licence for Class II nuclear facilities or prescribed equipment

Service feedback

To provide feedback on service standards, please contact the CNSC.

Licence application for Import or export

Service standard

  • Import or export licence application: licensing administrator to process application and acknowledge receipt within two business days.
  • Import or export licence application: make application decision within 15 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC (no CNSC bilateral notifications required).
  • Import or export licence application: make application decision within 30 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC (CNSC bilateral notifications required*).

Service standards do not apply to: import and export licence applications where evaluation of end use and/or end-user require additional evaluation by the CNSC working with the applicant, other government departments/agencies and/or foreign counterparts. In such circumstances, the CNSC may require additional time to make a decision on issuance of a licence.

* Some applications for the import or export of nuclear substances, equipment or information may invoke the implementation of administrative bilateral notification requirements by the CNSC with its foreign counterparts, pursuant to the provisions of bilateral nuclear cooperation agreements with which the Government of Canada has entered into with its nuclear trading partners. A similar situation exists for exports or imports of risk-significant radioactive sources. Some of these provisions need to be satisfied by the CNSC before issuance of the associated import or export licence. Timelines for completing these administrative requirements can vary depending on the regulatory requirements of the partner country and the specific details of the proposed import or export transaction. Consequently, the service time for a licensing decision in these cases will be longer than where CNSC bilateral notifications are not invoked. In all such cases, the CNSC will keep the applicant advised of the anticipated timeline for completion of the assessment.

Performance target

  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 95% for processing applications and acknowledgment of receipt, under normal circumstances.
  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 80% for decisions, with no CNSC bilateral notifications required, under normal circumstances.
  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 80% for decisions, with CNSC bilateral notifications required, under normal circumstances.
Performance information
Service standard Performance target Actual performance 2013-14 Actual performance 2014-15 Actual performance 2015-16 Actual performance 2016-17 Actual performance 2017-18
Import or export licence application:
licensing administrator to process application and acknowledge receipt within two business days.
95% 100% 98% 99% 99% TBD
Import or export licence application:
make application decision within 15 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC (no CNSC bilateral notifications required).
80% 87% 91% 89% 88% TBD
Import or export licence application:
make application decision within 30 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC (CNSC bilateral notifications required).
80% 88% 90% 93% 98% TBD

Applying for a licence to import or export

Service feedback

To provide feedback on service standards, please contact the CNSC.

Application for certification of exposure device operators

Service standard

  • Application for certification of exposure device operators: screen application and notify if application is not complete, within 10 business days.
  • Application for certification of exposure device operators: issue a certification decision within 60 calendar days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC.

Performance target

  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 90% for screening under normal circumstances.
  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 80% for decisions under normal circumstances.
Performance information
Service standard Performance target Actual performance 2013-14 Actual performance 2014-15 Actual performance 2015-16 Actual performance 2016-17 Actual performance 2017-18
Application for certification of exposure device operators:
screen application and notify if application is not complete, within 10 business days.
90%* 100% 100% 77%** 97% TBD
Application for certification of exposure device operators:
issue a certification decision within 60 calendar days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC.
80%* 100% 97% 97% 98% TBD

* Performance targets have been modified to align with other CNSC service standards. Performance targets were 100 percent for 2013–14 to 2015–16.

** In 2015-16, the CNSC implemented new requirements for exposure device operators: operators now need to apply for certification renewal every five years. These new requirements have resulted in a greater number of applications processed by the CNSC and delays in the screening of some applications. On April 1, 2016, the CNSC implemented a tracking system to help ensure that applications are screened within times required by service standards.

Applying for exposure device operator certification

Service feedback

To provide feedback on service standards, please contact the CNSC.

Transport licence application

Service standard

  • Transport licence application: screen the licence application for completeness and issue a notification that the application is or is not ready for technical assessment, within 10 business days.
  • Transport licence application: conduct a technical assessment and issue a licensing decision within 20 business days of receipt of an application deemed complete by the CNSC.

Service standards do not apply to: licence applications to package or transport under special arrangement, which require a demonstration that the transport will be done with a level of safety similar to that used if it had been done in full compliance with regulatory requirements.

Performance target

  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 90% for screening under normal circumstances.
  • The target for achieving this standard is set at 80% for decisions under normal circumstances.
Performance information
Service standard Performance target Actual performance 2013-14 Actual performance 2014-15 Actual performance 2015-16 Actual performance 2016-17 Actual performance 2017-18
Transport licence application: notify the applicant within 10 business days as to whether the application is complete. 90% Performance reporting to commence in
Performance reporting to commence in
97% 88% TBD
Transport licence application: issue a licensing decision within 20 business days for applications that are complete. 80% Performance reporting to commence in
Performance reporting to commence in
94% 72% TBD

Applying for a licence to transport

Service feedback

To provide feedback on service standards, please contact the CNSC.

For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.