Port Hope Area Initiative

Progress on the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) which includes the Port Hope and Port Granby Projects, is a priority for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and its federal government partners. The CNSC has regulatory oversight and approval of both of these clean-up projects. The CNSC has issued a licence for both projects (details belows).

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Project description

The historic low-level radioactive waste in the municipalities of Port Hope and Clarington originates from radium and uranium refining and processing operations, conducted from the 1930s to 1980s by Eldorado Nuclear Limited, a former Crown corporation. The PHAI – the Government of Canada’s response to the community-recommended solutions for this long-standing issue – has the goals of cleaning up this waste and managing it safely in the long term. Through its Historic Waste Program Management Office, CNL is implementing the PHAI on behalf of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.

For more information about the PHAI, visit www.phai.ca

One Initiative, Two Projects

PHAI represents a commitment by the Government of Canada to respond to the community-recommended solutions to this long-standing environmental problem. The two remediation projects under the Initiative are the Port Hope Project and the Port Granby Project.

The projects are moving forward in a phased approach:

  • Phase 1: The planning phase, involving environmental assessment and regulatory review of the PHAI
  • Phase 2: The implementation phase, involving facility construction and contaminated sites remediation
  • Phase 3: The post-closure phase, involving ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the PHAI-built facilities over the long-term

Read Commission Tribunal notices, transcripts and Records of Decision related to facilities in the Port Hope area.